Objective: To assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of emergency contraception among the college students in Songea District, September 2005. Design: Descriptive, cross- sectional study Methodology: Data was collected through self administered questionnaires, where by students were instructed what to do in introductory remark. All this was done first before being administered in the class. Then the filled questionnaires were collected. Results: Majority were not using ECP 56(46.7%) with a reason of never had need for it, followed by 29 (24.2%) and 28 (23.3%), with reasons of partner doesn’t like it and religious reasons respectively. Cancer causation was chosen the least, 7 (5.8%). Only 23 individuals had ever used ECP in their life time, of these only 8 (34.8%) followed by 6 (26.1%) who had a failure in withdrawal. Other reasons for ECP use were almost evenly distributed Only 136 individuals were able to respond to ECP using references, where by 75(55.1%) said yes and 61 (44.9%) said no. Out of 133 individuals who responded, large number of individuals 114 (85.7%) had never use ECP despite of sex exposure and only 19 (14.3%) were able to use ECP. Majority of individuals out of 80, 66 (82.55%) had a knowledge that ECP prevent pregnancy formation and few had a negative response, 7 (8.8%) causes abortion, 5 (6.3%) causes cancer. Conclusion/recommendations This study revealed that people in up-country with much concern to bearing age group, have very little knowledge about emergency contraception. However, they are highly in need of getting it, and they are also in need of knowledge and dispensing units. There are increased numbers of unwanted pregnancies among college students (as reported by the discipline master). So this is a good reflection that there are cases of abortions of which they are not reported.