Author fees

This journal charges no fees to authors or readers. It is Diamond Open Access.

Publisher Information

University Amar Telidji - Laghouat. BP 37G, Mkam, Laghouat 03000 Algeria, Tel-Fax: +213 29 41 54 33, Email:

Peer review

Each article submitted to DJEI is anonymised in accordance with double-blind review practices. The manuscripts are sent to a minimum of two external referees for double-peer review. If necessary, the number of referees can be increased by editors. The referees are chosen from the referee board according to their expertise.

Referees are asked to evaluate the manuscript’s originality, methodology, contribution to the literature, presentation of results and support for the conclusions, and appropriate referencing of previous relevant studies. Referees might accept the manuscript, reject it, or require a revision for style and content.

When a revision is required by the referee or referees, the author(s) is to consider the suggestions offered by the referees, and they should send back the revised version of a manuscript in one week.

Revised manuscripts returned after one month are considered new submissions (they have to wait until the next submission session), and the peer review process starts from the beginning. Referees may request more than one revision of a manuscript.

Publication Scheduling

This journal publishes two issues in one volume per year.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2676-2080
print ISSN: 2676-2013