The papers must be sent by email in a Word format file to the following address: They must be original and unpublished and not be approved for publication in another journal.

Articles must be adjusted to a maximum length of 60,000 characters, including spaces, notes and bibliography (Times New Roman, 12, single spacing, with full justification) . The body of the text must be headed with the title of the article, followed on the line immediately below by the name of the author and the university or institution that the author wishes to include. Optionally, you can include your email address. It is necessary to submit a summary of the article in Spanish and English (up to 1000 characters, spaces included) and between 4 and 8 keywords in both languages. All these elements will be presented in a single file that will contain the article in question.

Bibliographic reviews must be adjusted to a maximum length of 16,000 characters, including spaces, notes and bibliography (Times New Roman, 12, single spacing, with full justification).
Articles and reviews must be sent in computer support, in Word. It is advisable to also send a copy in RTF format.

It is advisable to divide the article into different sections according to the expository needs of the author. The titles of the different epigraphs must be highlighted in round letters and separated from the preceding paragraph by a line.

Quotations of three lines or less will be incorporated into the main text and marked with double English quotation marks (“”). Quotations of more than four lines (Times New Roman 11) will be separated from the main text by a space of one line above and below (left and right indentation: 1.5). No quotes will be used in this case. Italics will not be used for citations; these will be reserved for any term or phrase of foreign origin. Elisions will be indicated with three dots in parentheses (...) and interpolations with three dots in brackets [...].

In general, efforts will be made to reduce the number of notes as much as possible. They will not be used for mere bibliographical references (for such cases, see “references” below). If their use is required, they must be automatic footnotes, with Arabic numerals (Times New Roman 10, single line spacing, with full justification). Note calls will appear after the word they correspond to and will be placed before the punctuation.

The use of fonts in the main text will be done through format references (author or editor surname + comma + date + colon + page number).

For example: "Columbus has discovered America, but not the Americans" (Todorov, 2010: 57).

If the author has been mentioned within the text, his name may be omitted.

For example: As Todorov states, "Columbus has discovered America, but not the Americans" (2010: 57).

In the case of two or more publications by the same author, editor or group in the same year, they must be distinguished by adding a letter (2002a, 2002b, 2002c...). It will not be sent from one reference to another and will be used: for number, n.° (Arabic figure); for volume, vol. (Roman figure); for chapter and volume, chap. and you (Roman numerals); for paragraph, §; for file, leg. (Arabic figure).

Articles will not have page numbers.

At the end of the quotations, the punctuation will be placed outside the quotation marks.

The relevance of the figures (.EPS, .TIFF, .JPG, .PNG or .GIF format, resolution of 300 dpi) presented with their legend and the indication of the complete source will be taken into account. Callouts to figures should be placed in parentheses in the corresponding place in the text. Figures and tables (Times New Roman, 10) will be numbered consecutively. The explanatory text or title must go immediately below the figures or at the top in the tables.

All references cited and mentioned in the text must be developed in alphabetical order in a single bibliography. In the case of two or more publications by the same author, editor or group in the same year, they must be distinguished by adding a letter (2002a, 2002b, 2002c...). In no case will uncited works be included. For bibliographic descriptions, authors must follow the model indicated below.

• Monographs:

SURNAME(S), Name(s) (year of publication in parentheses). Title in italics . City: Publisher.

• Books with two authors:

SURNAME(S), Name(s) and Name(s), SURNAME(S) (year of publication in parentheses). Title in italics . City: Publisher.

• Books with more than two authors:

SURNAME(S), Name(s), SURNAME(S), Name(s), et al . (Year of publication in parentheses). Title in italics . City: Publisher.

• Proceedings, anthologies or collections (publisher: ed.; editors: eds.)

LAST NAME(S), Name(s), ed. (Year of publication in parentheses). Title in italics . City: Publisher.

• Contributions in collective volumes:

SURNAME(S), Name(s) (year of publication in parentheses). "Title". In Name(s), Surname(s) (ed.). Title in italics . City: Publisher: pages.

• Unpublished doctoral theses:

SURNAME(S), Name(s) (year in parentheses). Title in italics. Unpublished doctoral thesis. University.

• Articles in journals:

SURNAME(S), Name(s) (year of publication in parentheses). "Article title". Journal title in italics . Indication of volume, issue or number: pages.

• Articles in electronic journals:

SURNAME(S), Name(s), ed. (Year of publication in parentheses). "Article title". Journal title in italics [URL; DOI].

• Articles in newspapers:

SURNAME(S), Name(s) (year of publication in parentheses). "Article title". Title of the newspaper in italics , date (day/month/year).

When the real date of the edition of a work does not coincide with the one that appears on the cover, it will be indicated between square brackets: (1980) [1981].

If an edition other than the first edition is used, the date will be indicated in square brackets after the date of the edition used: (2002) [1st ed. 1933].

In the case of using more than one work by the same author, the author's name will only appear in the first reference and in chronological order, introducing the following references by three hyphens (---).

Arabic and Persian sources and texts will be headed by the name of the author, followed by the name and surname of the editor or translator, plus the corresponding abbreviation: ed.(ition), trad.(uction) esp.(añola, or trad. cat ., French, English, etc.). Next, whether it is a book, article or book chapter, the citation will be made following the general rule of bibliographical references explained in the previous points, indicating at the end of the citation the volume of the original Arabic or Persian work corresponding to the edition translation used. It will be ordered alphabetically without taking into account the article (al-) and alphabetically grouping the authors after Ibn, when the name begins like this.

For those articles in which the Arabic and/or Persian language must be transcribed into Latin characters, the international system must be used with its corresponding symbols:

ا / ب b / ت t / ث ṯ / ج ğ / ح ḥ / خ ḫ / د d / ذ ḏ / ر r / ز z / س s / ش š / ص ṣ / ض ḍ / ط ṭ / ظ ẓ / ع ' / غ ġ / ف f / ق q / ك k / ل l / م m / ن n / و w / ه h / ي y / ا ā / ي ī / ي ة iyya / و ū / ى ā / پ p / چ č / ژ ž / ڳ g.

The initial hamza (أ إ ) is not indicated in any way; medial or final hamza is represented by ' . The final tā' marbūṭa ة is only indicated in the construct state with t. The article is invariably shown as al- (Al- at the beginning of the sentence).

For texts in French or English, the use of the usual systems in each of these languages ​​is allowed.

Chronological dating based on the Hegira calendar or the Gregorian calendar may be used. Both systems cannot be alternated, the joint use of both systems being preferable, separating the dates by means of a slash (/) and without mentioning their corresponding abbreviations (H./AD).

All contributions will be subject to spelling review and, if necessary, also style, adjusting for this purpose to the rules and recommendations of the RAE and ASALE (Association of Academies of the Spanish Language) that appear in the Ortografía de la lengua española (2010) and in the Diccionario panhispánico de dudas (2005).

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2286-5977
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