Daagu International journal of Basic and Applied Research (DIJBAR) is a multidisciplinary, peer
reviewed open access journal available online and in printed version to accommodate
research articles from all streams of science and art.
DAAGU- is an “Afarf” word used by the pastoral and agro-pastoral community of Afar for
“Information Sharing”. Samara University located in Afar Region of Ethiopia, has a mission
to become one among the top 10 universities around the globe, to serve the pastoral
Public Universities like Samara University (SU) are established with the mandate to address
core academic activities such as teaching, research and community services delivery. Samara
University has been established to be one of the top ten leading Universities in pastoral and
agro-pastoral community development in East Africa by 2035. To achieve this vision, SU is
handling three important mandates explicitly teaching and learning, research and community
services and technology transfer. Accordingly, one of its mandates is to undertake quality and
demand driven problem solving research.
The research and community service affairs Vice President office of Samara University is
coordinating Research and community services. The research priorities had been in line with
the strategic plan to transform research at SU. The priority and thematic areas of different
Colleges feed SU goals and objectives to benefit pastoral community living in this Regional
Research journal is one of the quick means to communicate and highlight the research
findings; scientific knowledge and technologies of regional, national and international
importance to benefit teaching/scientific community for the development of nations and
humanity. Hence, the University decided to establish a research journal.
Authors from various disciplines are invited to submit their original work which is not
published before and not under consideration to other journals/society. Daagu International
journal of Basic and Applied Research (DIJBAR) is biannual journal accepting articles, regular
research paper, review articles and short communications through our online submission
system whole of the year. We are publishing the articles both in online as well as printed format. Even though, we are biannual but online version of article is available after acceptance
of article and reception of copyright form and final submission of article for citation purpose.
To help the scientific society and scholars, no publication fee will be levied upon. For more
details authors are advised to go through the publication process and author section to access
the submission guidelines. For any problem related to submission author can write the email
to editor in chief or admin, we will revert back to you within two to three business days. We
are happy to listen the feedback/constructive comments and suggestions from author, reader,
scholars and scientific society to improve the services of our website and publication process.

The Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research (DIJBAR) is an international,
multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed academic and research journal. It provides a platform for the
publication of innovative and scientific research in the areas of science and development. The
journal welcomes original investigations and accepts papers that represent diverse theoretical
outlooks and different methodological approaches. The review and selection process for the
journal focuses on the significance of the contribution to the area of academics and research.
The journal aims to publish high-quality research that makes a meaningful impact in its
respective field.

Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research is a research journal that publishes
research related to Multidisciplinary. It publishes original articles, review articles, short
communications, book reviews and books.

Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research is biannual. It publishes a minimum of
five articles per issue.

Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License. The copyright is reserved for Daagu
International Journal of Basic and Applied Research.

Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research is an open-access, peer-reviewed
journal that provides immediate open access to its content under a Creative Commons
Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License.
The journal's open-access policy is based on the principle that making research freely available
to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Authors are not charged any Article Processing Charges (APCs) or other publication fees.
This policy ensures that authors can publish their research without any financial burden and
promotes the dissemination of knowledge.

The publication of Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research is supported by the
Samara University.

Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research follows a rigorous review process for
all submitted papers. At least two reviewers are recruited based on their knowledge or affinity
with the main subjects of the article.
Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research follows double-blind review. Reviewers
are known to the editors of Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research. The
reviewers are asked to review the accuracy and suitability of the article to the focus and scope
of Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research. They are also asked to comment on
the structure and composition of the article and make suggestions for improvements and
recommendations where relevant.
The review process is an essential quality control mechanism for scholarly works. Peer
reviewers evaluate the quality of the content and make recommendations to the journal editor
on whether the manuscript should be rejected or accepted with or without revisions. The
journal editor considers all the feedback from peer reviewers and makes an informed decision
to accept or reject the manuscript. The ultimate decision generally resides with the section editor or the editor-in-chief, once they have seen and evaluated the comments of the reviewers.


Suggesting/excluding reviewers
Authors can suggest suitable reviewers and/or request the exclusion of certain individuals
when submitting their manuscripts. The suggested reviewers should be independent and not
connected to the work. It is recommended to suggest a mix of reviewers from different
countries and institutions. The Corresponding Author must provide an institutional email
address for each suggested reviewer. If this is not possible, other means of verifying the
identity, such as a link to a personal homepage or publication record, can be included. The
Journal may not use the suggestions, but they are appreciated and may help facilitate the peer
review process.

Once the review process is completed, the Editorial Office of the journal will make a decision
based on the reviewers' reports. The author(s) will receive these reports along with the
editorial decision on their manuscript. It is important for authors to note that even if one
reviewer provides a positive report, concerns raised by another reviewer may still have a
significant impact on the study and could result in the manuscript being rejected.
Alternatively, the editorial office may choose to entertain the manuscript and send it for
review by another reviewer, depending on the decision categories. The decision outcome will
be communicated to the authors, providing them with the necessary feedback and guidance
for further action.

The Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research upholds international standards
and requirements for research and publication. It emphasizes the importance of conducting
research ethically, responsibly, and with integrity, while complying with relevant
international codes. The journal's policy outlines guidelines for the publication process.

Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research has specific standards and policies that
authors must adhere to when submitting their manuscripts. By submitting a manuscript to the
journal, all authors agree to its content and structure and confirm that the manuscript
conforms to the journal's standards and policies. The journal remains neutral with regard to
jurisdictional claims in published maps, third-party data sets, and institutional affiliations.
Papers submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere, except in the form
of an abstract or as part of a published dissertation or thesis, and must not be under
consideration by any other journal or publisher for possible publication. The corresponding
author is responsible for ensuring that the submission and publication of the manuscript have
been approved by all the other co-authors. It is also the authors' responsibility to ensure that
manuscripts emanating from a particular institution are submitted with the approval of the
concerned institution. The Editorial Office of the journal officially acknowledges receipt of
manuscripts submitted for publication. Further correspondence and proofs will be sent to the
corresponding author(s) before publication unless otherwise indicated. The corresponding
author is also expected to sign a consent form once their manuscript is accepted by the journal.

Ethical issues
Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research is committed to maintaining
international standards of ethical conduct in research and publication. The journal takes a
strong stance against all forms of unethical conduct in research and publication, including
fraud, plagiarism, data fabrication, duplicate publication, and other forms of misconduct.

Errors in research could be due to negligence or honest mistakes, which are part of the normal
course of doing research. However, scientific frauds that could put scientific merits and
careers at risk will be treated seriously. If potential misconduct is reported by the reviewer(s)
or editor, the editorial office will correspond with the author and request verification. If the
explanation provided by the author is unacceptable and it seems that misconduct has taken
place, the editorial office has the right to decide on the fate of the manuscript and even ban
the author(s) from further submission.

Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research follows fundamental ethical principles
in research and publication. These principles include reporting data, results, methods, and
procedures; avoiding bias in experimental design, data analysis, data interpretation, peer
review, personnel decisions, and other aspects of research; keeping promises and agreements,
acting with sincerity, striving for consistency of thought and action; avoiding careless errors
and negligence and carefully and critically examining one's own work and the work of one's
peers; honoring patents, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property and not using
unpublished data, methods, or results without permission and giving credit where credit is
due, and avoiding plagiarism; protecting confidential communications, such as papers
submitted for publication, personnel records, patient records, etc.; avoiding wasteful and
duplicative publication; striving to promote social good and prevent or mitigate social harms
through research, public education, and advocacy; avoiding discrimination against colleagues
or students on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, or other factors that are not related to their
scientific competence and integrity; maintaining and improving one's own professional
competence; showing proper respect and care for animals when using them in research and
not conducting unnecessary or poorly designed animal experiments; and when conducting
research on human subjects, minimizing harms and risks and maximizing benefits, respecting
human dignity, privacy, and autonomy.

Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research has procedures in place for responding
to unethical conduct in publication. Each issue is followed by recommended actions as
advised by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for Journal Editors. These guidelines are similar to those followed by other reputable journals, which emphasize the importance of ethical research practices and adherence to international standards.

Plagiarism, Data fabrication or Falsification
Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research is committed to upholding ethical
standards in research and publication. The journal takes a strong stance against all forms of
unethical conduct in research and publication, including data fabrication and falsification.
Data fabrication involves making up research findings, while data falsification involves
manipulating research data with the intention of giving a false impression of one's findings.
This includes manipulating images, removing outliers from results, changing, adding, or
omitting data points, inclusion of false data, rearranging of data, polishing of analysis outputs,
and others. If an author's figures are questionable, it is suggested to request the original data
from the authors.
If a manuscript is found to have fabricated or falsified results, including manipulation of
images and figures, it may be sanctioned. If the fraud is identified after the manuscript is
published, the article may be retracted. However, there are instances where technical
manipulations of images and figures are allowed for readability and balance of contrasts.
Proper technical manipulation refers to adjusting the contrast and/or brightness or color
balance if it is applied to the complete digital image (and not parts of the image). Any technical
manipulation by the author should be notified in the cover letter to the Journal Editor upon
submission. Improper technical manipulation refers to obscuring, enhancing, deleting,
and/or introducing new elements into an image.
Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research has a strict policy against. Plagiarism
includes copying text, ideas, images, or data from another source, even from one's own
publications, without giving credit to the original source. To avoid plagiarism, authors must
cite the original source when reusing text that is copied from another source. If a study's design
or the manuscript's structure or language has been inspired by previous works, these works
must be explicitly cited. If a manuscript is found to have fabricated or falsified results,
including manipulation of images and figures, it may be sanctioned. If the fraud is identified
after the manuscript is published, the article may be retracted. However, technical manipulations of images and figures are allowed for readability and balance of contrasts, as long as they are properly notified in the cover letter to the Journal Editor upon submission.

Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research accepts submissions that have
previously been made available as preprints provided that they have not undergone peer
review. A preprint is a draft version of a paper made available online before submission to a

Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research follows the guidelines set by the
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) regarding authorship criteria.
To qualify for authorship of a manuscript, the following criteria should be observed:
1. Substantial contributions: Authors should have made significant contributions to the
conception or design of the work, or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of
data for the work.
2. Drafting and revising: Authors should have been involved in drafting the work or
revising it critically for important intellectual content.
3. Final approval: Authors should have given their final approval of the version to be
4. Accountability: Authors should agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work,
ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are
appropriately investigated and resolved.
Those who have contributed to the work but do not meet all four criteria for authorship
should be acknowledged in the acknowledgments section of the manuscript. Daagu
International Journal of Basic and Applied Research emphasizes the importance of accurate
authorship, where only those who qualify for authorship should be included, and their
contributions should be clearly stated. Authors are also required to disclose any potential
conflicts of interest. Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research upholds these guidelines to ensure ethical and responsible research and publication practices. By adhering
to these guidelines, the journal maintains the integrity and credibility of the published work.

Statement of authorship be submitted with the manuscript
Authors submitting their research work to Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied
Research are required to provide a signed confirmation that includes the following statements:
i) The research work submitted for publication in Daagu International Journal of Basic
and Applied Research is original and has not been published or accepted for
publication elsewhere, either in whole or in part.
ii) The work conforms to the legal requirements of the country in which it was carried
out, including those relating to conservation and welfare.
iii) All authors and relevant institutions have read the submitted version of the
manuscript and approve its submission.
iv) All the persons entitled to authorship have been included. To ensure compliance
with these requirements, authors must provide a signed cover letter along with their
manuscript submission to Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research.
This letter serves as a declaration of the authors' agreement to the stated conditions.

To ensure transparency and avoid potential bias, authors submitting their work to the Editorial Office of Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research are required to declare any competing financial and/or non-financial interests related to the work under consideration. The corresponding author is responsible for submitting a statement on behalf of all authors of the paper. A conflict of interest can occur when the author, their employer, or sponsor has a financial, commercial, legal, or professional relationship with other organizations or people working with them that could influence their research. The Editorial Office of Daagu International Journal of Basic and Applied Research uses this information to make editorial decisions and publishes the disclosures to assist readers in evaluating the article. If there are no competing interests to declare, authors should include a statement to confirm that there are no relevant financial or non-financial competing interests to report.

Authors should use submit a manuscript online along with a duly
signed authorship confirmation letter. We also accept email submissions. The manuscript
should be in a single file (inclusive of text, tables, and figures) or text, figures, and tables
separately, preferably in Microsoft Word format or LaTex without any password control.
Portable Document Format (PDF) or Postscript (PC) or Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) files
can also be submitted along with the LaTex files, but they alone are not eligible for
submission. The manuscript must be submitted as per the journal format, Times New Roman
12 font size with 1.5 spacing, abstract in single spacing, A4 paper with margins of 1 inch on
all sides, and all the pages should be numbered.
Submission checklist
Authors can use the list to carry out a final check of their submission prior to submission to
the journal for review. One author has been designated as the corresponding author with
• E-mail address
• ORCID ID if available
• Full postal address
• Authors affiliation
• Cover letter

Manuscript content and format
Manuscripts should be written in English and typed 1.5 line-spaced, on A4size pages, with
margins of 1.75 cm on each side of the paper top, bottom, left, and right sides, in MS Word.
A font size of 12 points and Times New Roman should be used. The major headings of the
be left aligned and written in UPPERCASE letters. Abstract should be centered. The title of
the manuscript should be centered not exceeding 20 words and placed at the top of the page and written in sentence case. All pages in papers must be numbered. The main text should be typed flush left with no indents. Insert one return between paragraphs, and a double return between paper title, and authors' names, and addresses on the first page. In some cases, the results and discussion section might be merged.

Research papers
Research paper should not exceed 12,00words or 20 printed pages in length which includes
references, tables and figures. Only research papers with multiple studies can go beyond this
length with prior consent of editor-in-chief.
Review papers
Critical and comprehensive reviews that provide new insights or interpretation of the subject
after a thorough and systematic evaluation of available evidence, may exceed the word limit
for research papers if appropriate, and subject to the Editor's agreement.
Short Communications
Short Communications are short papers that present original and significant material for
rapid dissemination is limited to about 2000 words and shouldn’t be subdivided. The paper
should contain an abstract, main body and references. The abstract should be limited to 100

The manuscript should be divided into the following sections (in this order): Title page; Abstract, keywords (5-7); Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables (each table complete with title and footnotes on a separate page) and illustrations and figures, graphical abstracts/highlights files (where applicable). Review articles and short communication are not obligated to follow this structure.
Title page
The title page should have the title of the manuscript, full name(s) of the author(s),
and institutional affiliations. It should also indicate name, address, email, fax, and telephone number(s) of the author responsible for correspondence about the manuscript. Email addresses of all authors are mandatory. Only standard abbreviations should be used within the title.
The abstract is a brief and concise summary of your research paper that should be fully intelligible without reference to the main text. It should contain unstructured introduction, objective, methods, results, and conclusion, and should be no more than 300 words. The abstract should provide a statement of the scope of the work and its principal findings. Introduction The introduction should clearly state background of the research which includes a summary of literature to indicate justification/rationale of the study and aims to contribute in field of study. It comprises of problem statement and the objectives of the study. Detailed literature survey and summary of results should be avoided.
Materials and Methods
Materials and methods include design, sampling procedures, measurements, data collection and analysis. Studies which involve human participants should have a detailed statement of ethical approval and consent in the methods.
When presenting research results, it is important to only include pertinent information and to
use tables and figures only when necessary. Tables and figures should not duplicate data, and
any data that can be presented in two or fewer columns and rows should be presented in the
text. Each table and figure must be referred to in the text, and the reader should be told what
to look for when using them. Tables should be comprehensible, and a reader should be able
to express an opinion about the results just by looking at the tables without reading the main
This section describes interpretation, reasoning and implications of the results obtained. It
should include strong comparison of results with other related previous studies. Furthermore,
authors should avoid redundancy of results in in this section. As indicated in the previous
section, a combined results and discussion section is also allowed.
Conclusion should state clearly the main inferences of the research findings and it should be
self-explanatory and highlighting their importance and relevance.
Authors are required to seek permission from all individuals acknowledged in the
Acknowledgements section, including those who do not meet the criteria for authorship but
have significant contributions, such as those who provided professional writing services or
The source of funding must be clearly stated as “This study was financially supported by
XXXX”. If funding was not received for the study, it has to be clearly indicated as “No
financial support was received from any organization or individual”.

All references in the text should be listed in the reference section. References should not appear in the reference list if they are not quoted in the text. References should be listed in alphabetical order and then further sorted chronologically, if necessary, APA style for reference listing and citation as it is convenient and widely adapted by the different reputed journals. We encourage authors use reference managers such as Mendeley and Endnote. The following usage should be confirmed.
Reference to journal publication
Schmidt, F. L. (2016). The crisis of confidence in research findings in psychology: Is lack of
replication the real problem? Or is it something else? Archives of Scientific Psychology, 4, 32–37.
Schmidt, F. L. & Oh, I.-S. (2016). The crisis of confidence in research findings in
psychology: Is lack of replication the real problem? Or is it something else? Archives of
Scientific Psychology, 4, 32–37.

Madin, J. S., McWilliam, M., Quigley, K., Suggett, D. J., & van Oppen, M. J. H. (2023).
Selecting coral species for reef restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60, 1537–1544.

Reference to a Book:
Moss, B. 1998. Ecology of fresh waters, man and medium. Blackwell Scientific Publications,
London, 557p.
Moss, B. 1998. Ecology of fresh waters, man and medium. Blackwell Scientific Publications,
London, pp. 455-460.
Reference to a book chapter
Singh, A. A., Hwahng, S. J., Chang, S. C., White, B. (2017). Affirmative counseling with
trans/gender-variant people of color. In A. Singh & L. M. Dickey (Eds.), Affirmative
counseling and psychological practices with transgender and gender nonconforming clients
(pp. 41–68). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Citation from the web
When citing information from the internet, authors should ensure that fully authenticated
addresses are included in the reference list, along with titles, years, authors of the sources
being cited and accession date. The information should be of scientific quality at least equal
to that of peer-reviewed information available in learned scientific journals. The format for
citing web pages is similar to that of citing print content, with the URL typically included at
the end of the entry. Publications that must be cited include books, book chapters, articles,
web pages, theses, etc.
In-text citation
When citing references in a text (Madin et al., 2023), the author's surname should be followed
by the year of publication, and references should be cited chronologically (Madin et al., 2023;
Schmidt, 2016; Schmidt & Oh, 2016). If multiple contributions by the same author were
published (Schmidt & Oh, 2016)) in the same year, a distinction should be made by adding a,
b, or c1 e.g., e.g. (Koschel, 1981a; Meyer and Huss, 1999a, b). Ethiopian names should be uniformly used (Schmidt, 2016). Titles of journals should not be abbreviated. Unpublished material, except for Ph.D theses, should not be included among the references.

When including figures and tables in an article, the following guidelines should be followed:
• References to tables should not be abbreviated, i.e., they should be referred to as
"Table 1".
• All tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals.
• Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.
• For each table, please supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of the
• Figures, including photographs, should be referred to in the article text as "Figure 1"
and multiple figures as "Figures 2–4".
• All lettering and symbols in the figures should be clear and easy to read.
• Legends should provide enough details for the figure or table to be understood without
reference to the main text.
• Information appearing in the figure should not be duplicated in the legend.
• Figures and tables should be presented in the manuscript file with their legends
• They may be either embedded in a relevant position in the main text or placed at the
end of the document.
These guidelines ensure that figures and tables are properly referenced and presented in a
clear and understandable manner within the article.




Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2707-5052
print ISSN: 2707-5060