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Physical, Chemical and Periphyton/Phytoplankton Study of Onah Lake, Asaba, Nigeria
revealed that the concentration of all the nutrients were higher during the dry season than the rainy season. The
observation connotes a discernible seasonal pattern in the concentration of the various nutrients in the lake. With
the exception of transparency, total alkalinity and conductivity, that were significantly different (P < 0.05), all other
parameters were not significantly different (p>0.05) in the stations. Transparency was significantly lower in the
upstream station as opposed to the down stream station that recorded a higher value. The condition favoring the
abundance of nutrients was discussed. The principal component analyzer generated a sequence of variates known
as components in a correlation matrics. Three components were selected which account for 100% of variance in the
physico-chemical parameter, viz: ionic conductivity factor contributed 26.07%, nutrient factor contributed 40.61%
while dissolved oxygen factor contributed 33.32%. Three divisions, eight families and ten species of periphyton
were encountered. The most abundant periphyton species recorded are Closterium spp. (26.37%) Cosmarium
spp. (18.63%) and Ulothrix spp. (16.56%). The least encountered species was Anabaena spp. (2.88%). This was not
implicated in any toxic bloom.