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Evaluation of Some Tropical Enthnomedicinal Plants for Biopesticidal Potentials for the Protection of Yam Biodeterioration
for the control of yam biodeterioration in order to use them as substitute for synthetic pesticides in yam (Dioscorea
rotundata Poir) production to control biodeterioration in storage. Seedyam setts slightly infested with rootknot
nematodes (Meloidogyne spp. Goeldi, 1887; Chitwood, 1949) were treated with acetone extract of the plant
materials by dipping for 24 hours at room temperature (30 ± 2C°). The treated seedyams were assessed after four
(4) weeks, six (6) weeks and twelve (12) weeks for the effects of the plant extracts on inhibition of sprouting of
seedyams, inducement of seedyam sprouting and biodeterioration, respectively. After four (4) weeks in storage,
Piper guineense treatment appeared to inhibit the sprouting of seedyams (75%) as compared with other treatments
but without statistical difference (p70.05). The extract of Anacardium occidentale treatments statistically (p < 0.05)
induced seedyam sprouting best (83.3%); followed by Carica papaya (58.3%); Crotolaria retusa (48.10%) in relation to
others, after six (6) weeks. Xylopia aethiopica (100%); Chromolaena odorata (100%); Piper guineense (100%); followed by
Azadirachta indica (83.7%) controlled yam rot disease effectively (p < 0.05) after twelve (12) weeks in storage.