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Antjie Krog and the Accumulation of ‘Media Meta-Capital'
While Krog's significant body of work in poetry, prose and journalism is undoubtedly central in her trajectory towards international renown, in this essay I explore the dynamics of her “meteoric rise in status”. The news media's role in mediating Krog to the world for nearly 40 years becomes crucial to this investigation. I use a mix of media theory and field theory to illuminate the multi-faceted and complex relationship Krog has had with the news media and I argue that her acquisition of ‘media meta-capital' has played a significant role in her attainment of a unique voice and speaking platform in a postapartheid, public domain in which few white voices, and especially Afrikaner ones, are
being heard.
Current Writing Vol. 19 (2) 2007: pp. 1-23