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Waiting for the Russians: Coetzee's The Master of Petersburg and the Logic of Late Postcolonialism

M Popescu


JM Coetzee's 1994 novel The Master of Petersburg has puzzled its readership with
its geopolitical and temporal distance from the South African scene. I argue that the
novel actually portrays some of the more salient features of the transition years, as
it reflects on the position of the writer vis-à-vis a restructured field of political forces. A meditation on transition time and on the protracted dimension of waiting for a new world to be born, the novel also presents a model of connectivity between Russia and South Africa. It places post-apartheid culture in a special relationship to postcolonialism and the global configuration born at the end of the Cold War.

Current Writing Vol. 19 (1) 2007: pp. 1-20

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2159-9130
print ISSN: 1013-929X