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Growth Performance and Nutrient Availability of Tomatoes (Lycopersicum Esculentum) Seedlings in Anaerobic Slurry Amended Soils

M. Maliki
I.H. Ifijen


To study the growth performance and nutrient availability of tomatoes (lycopersicum esculentum) seedlings in anaerobic slurry amended soils, a greenhouse trial was conducted at the faculty of agriculture, University of Benin. Four rates of the anaerobic slurry were used, namely 0, 200, 400, 600 cm3/3kg soil in a completely randomized design in triplicate. Results from the pre- plant soils revealed that the application of the amendment
enhanced the soil quality. Soil organic carbon, N, P, K, Ca, Na and % base saturation were significantly (P < 0.05), were higher than the control, while the soil pH remained in the acidic region and the soil exchangeable acidity reduced. Apart from, stem girth which showed no significant difference, plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, and total biomass yield by the plant were significantly (p < 0.05) better than the control, but in no particular order. Plant growth parameter suggest that the 600 cm3 treatment performed better for plant height,  leaves length and number of leaves while total biomass yield was better with the 400 cm3/ treatment.

Keywords: Anaerobic Slurry, Growth, Nutrient, Tomatoes

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2384-6208
print ISSN: 2276-707X