The analyses of mineral composition of red and yellow fruits varieties of Terminalia catappa using standard analytical apparatus, reagents and procedures gave the following results on dry weight basis: K (1980.20mg and 1809mg), Na (17.82mg and 17.33mg), Ca (143.47mg and 143.30mg), Mg (40.39mg and 48.50mg), P (13.20mg and 13.20mg), Fe (5.50mg and 3.98mg), Cu (0.25mg and 0.43mg), Mn (3.09mg and 1.02mg), S (70.50mg and 50.47mg) and Zn (1.28mg and 1.42mg) for red and yellow fruits respectively. On the other hand Cd, Cr, Co and Pb were not detected on both fruits which indicate that both fruits are safer for human consumption. Therefore, from these results it can be recommended that red and yellow fruits of T.catappa l. are good sources of K, Mg Mn, Na, Ca, Cu, Fe and S but poor sources of P and Zn.
Key words: composition, fruits, minerals, Terminal catappa.