Only submissions that strictly adhere to the submission instructions below will be considered and forwarded anonymously to two readers for review.

Required documents and format Please send to the journal address
(, or the following documents:

  • the article (empirical article desired) paginated with a 12-point font in Times New Roman;
  • the abstract in French and English, each not exceeding 250 words.
  • a biographical note of each author of more than 75 words including the institution or organization of affiliation, function, fields of specialty/interest, email address;
  • 3-5 keywords in French and 3-5 keywords in English. They must be sent in electronic version Word.

Length of texts

The maximum length of the texts, including the abstract, tables and figures, notes and list of bibliographic references, is 9-15 pages (3500 – 7500 words).

Structure of the article

Each text (except for literature reviews and event reports) includes the following parts, in order:

  • the title;
  • the abstract in French and English.
  • the key words in French and English.
  • the text according to the structure: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Conclusion, Bibliography;
  • a biographical note of the author or each of the co-authors (75 words maximum per note);


The title of the article must be meaningful (maximum 15 words).

Typographic standards

  • Italics: Reserve its use for foreign words, titles of works and certain words or expressions that  you wish to highlight.
  • Quotation marks: Always use French quotation marks ("guillemets français") with a space after the opening quotation mark and a space before the closing quotation mark. Only use English quotation marks ('' '') if they are words or segments within quotes already enclosed in quotation marks.
  • Underlining: Never use.
  • Bold: Reserve its use for titles and subtitles.
  • Ampersand: Always use "et" instead of "&".

Acronyms and abbreviations

Any name of an authority or organization that can be reduced to an acronym or initialism must first, in a first occurrence, be written in full (in full) and be immediately followed by its acronym in parentheses.

Tables, figures and photos

The maximum number of tables, figures or photos is 6. Additional data is allowed.


The maximum number of bibliographic references is 40.


According to the Author-Date method

  • Indirect citation: (author name, year) Ex. (Romelaer and Kalika, 2011).
  • Direct citation: (author name, year, pagination). Ex: (Romelaer and Kalika, 2011, p.151).

Bibliographic references According to APA standards (6th edition).

  • 1. Author's name, 2. comma, 3. initials of first name, 4. period, 5. year in parentheses (), 6. period, 7. Title of the book in italics, 8. opening parenthesis, 9. edition number followed by the volume, both separated by a comma, 10. closing parenthesis 11. period, 12. city of publication, 13. colon, 14. publishing house, 15. period.
  • Malanda Dem, A. and Azia Dimbu, F. (2013). Le Mythe d'Œdipe. Paris: Publibook.


  • 1. Name of the author of the chapter, 2. Comma, 3. Initials of the first name, 4. Year in parentheses, 5. Title of the chapter, 6. Period, 7. Write “In”, 8. Initials of the first name, 9. Last name, 10. Write “dir.” in parentheses, 11. Comma, 12. Title of the book in italics, 13. (Opening parenthesis, 14. Edition number, 15. Comma, 16. Vol., 17. Pagination, 18. Closing parenthesis), 19. Period, 20. Place of publication, 21. Colon, 22. Publishing house, 23. Period.
  • Charbonneau, C. (1988). Analysis and generalization of results. In M. Robert (ed.), Foundations and stages of scientific research in psychology (3rd ed., pp. 311.-340). Paris: Maloine.

Periodical article

  • 1. Author's name, 2. comma, 3. initials of the first name, 4. period, 5. year in parentheses (), 6. period, 7. Title of the article, 8. period, 9. Title of the journal in full in italics, 10. comma, 11. Volume in italics, 12. number (), 13. comma, 14. start page, 15. hyphen, 16. end page, 17. period.
  • Azia Dimbu, F. and Tumbwa, V. (2016). Global management of mental illness among the Suku of Congo-Kinshasa. Empan, 1. (101), 11. 9-126.

Electronic journal article

For article references with DOI, APA allows two presentations. It is up to the researcher to make the choice, provided that he sticks to this throughout the document.

  • Azia Dimbu, F. (2013). A study on the mental development of street children in Kinshasa. Enfances & Psy, 3. (60), 184-191.doi: 10.3917/ep.060.0184
  • Azia Dimbu, F. (2013). A study on the mental development of street children in Kinshasa. Enfances & Psy, 3. (60), 184-191. 10.3917/ep.060.0184

Thesis or dissertation

  • Azia Dimbu, F. (2009). Street children, children of the future.

A psychological study of the phenomenon in Kinshasa using a projective approach (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Marien-Ngouabi University, Brazzaville.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2957-4668
print ISSN: 2957-465X