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A Critical Linguistic Interpretation of Intertextuality and Ideology in Ben Okri‟s Poetry
This study explores the use of ideology and language in Ben Okri‘s books of poetry: An African Elegy and Mental Fight. Previous studies on Okri have concentrated on the theme and style of his fiction. Consequently, little critical attention has been given to his poetry. This study is aimed at drawing critical attention to the ideological and rhetorical orientations that underlie his poetry and how intertextuality has enhanced the communication between the poems and precursor texts. A careful study of Okri‘s poetry style reveals that he incorporates textual and ideological insights from several sources and from his own works in the process of creating knowledge and meaning. This study enables us to understand how Okri enriches his creative force and universe by drawing profusely from a large corpus of precursor texts. Therefore, working within the tenets of critical discourse analysis (CDA) this study examines Okri‘s exploration of the resources of intertextuality and reveals how it has enabled him to construct new ideological and semantic frames.