Author fees

This journal charges fees to neither readers nor authors. It is Diamond Open Access.

Publisher Information

University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Peer review

All manuscript submitted to communication in Physical Sciences is first received by the Editor in Chief, who will invite the editor in the subject area for consideration of the submitted manuscript. If the initial screening meets the Journal aim and scope and follow our format, the manuscript is schedule for review, which is normally conducted using double blind review process. Each manuscript is double blinded and forwarded to three reviewers. The Journal requires at least two positive reviewers’ report before we can proceed to the next step (I,e correction by the author and re-submission). All re-submitted manuscripts are subjected to Language vetting and final editorial revision before it is forwarded to press for production of Galley Proof. Manuscript are published after the payment of approved publication charge (normally after receiving Galley Proof and acceptance memo). There is no charge for review of manuscript.

Publication Scheduling

This journal publishes four issues in one volume per year.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2705-2397
print ISSN: 2645-2448