Instructions to Authors
- The COUNSELLOR is the major outlet/flagship journal for counselling related issues in Nigeria.
- The COUNSELLOR welcomes well written counselling related articles from all over the world.
- All articles must be written in British English.
- All writers must use the latest APA article writing style and referencing.
- Articles should be written on only one side of each page, double spacing and preferably Times Roman. Font should be 12 point.
- The whole write up should be in the range of 10 to 14 pages of A4 paper. This range includes cover page, abstract, the main article, tables, figures and references.
- The abstract should be in the range of 125 to 200 words. Put number of words in abstract.
- Write five key words below the abstract- for indexing purpose.
- All articles must be free from avoidable grammatical and typographical errors.
- All articles must be original work of the author/s.
- Papers sent to other journals should not be submitted to the editorial board of the COUNSELLOR.
- The decision, on any article, of the editorial board is final.
- The COUNSELLOR is published twice a year-March and August.
- Articles for any of the issues should reach the editor at least six months before the publication month.
- Articles should concentrate on issues directly related to counselling matters. The COUNSELLOR publishes research articles that are empirical and in some cases theoretical.
The COUNSELLOR has broad readership comprised mostly of counsellors in educational institutions, mental health, and professionals in government, private practice and community agencies
Copyright Notice
Copyright belongs to the Counselling Association of Nigeria