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Spirit hermeneutics for African Pentecostalism: A hermeneutic for a jubilar mission
The significance of African Pentecostal churches in the global expansion of Christianity is undeniable. However, the impact of African Pentecostalism is being impaired by the problem of materialism. This ailment has come from African Traditional Religion, which promises immediate material and financial success, and also from the prosperity teachings of North America. Materialism is promoted by subjective interpretations of Scripture that downplay their objective meaning. This article aims to show that a robust Pentecostal spirituality demands a contextualized approach to Scripture that liberates African Pentecostalism from the fetters of materialism, thereby empowering African churches for a jubilar mission. A theological method of introspection, developed by J. N. K. Mugambi, is deployed. This method can examine the challenge of African Pentecostal churches and facilitate the construction of a contextual hermeneutic that nurtures the emancipatory task of the Spirit. Such a hermeneutic can be instantiated by Spirit hermeneutics. Spirit hermeneutics equally entertains an experiential and a cognitive approach to Scripture. This hermeneutic rectifies highly subjective interpretations, engages the African context in a relevant manner, and constructs a favorable ground for the flourishing of sound Pentecostal spirituality on the continent. The significance of the article is to help African Pentecostal churches focus on the purpose of the gift of the Spirit in such a way as to sustain the impact of the Pentecostal movement in Africa.