Infertility of the couple is a major health problem in Africa, affecting between 37- 66% of women of childbearing age in some regions of the continent. Because of the high cost of evaluation, a good history and thorough physical examination will narrow the investigations necessary for treatment. This paper briefly reviews the current approach to the management of infertility and discusses the components of its management considered of particular relevance to a low resource setting. The limit of both medical and surgical treatment of infertility usually leaves most couples with the option of assisted reproduction as the only reliable alternative to realising their dream of biological parenthood. However, considering the cost of the different assisted reproduction techniques which precludes most couples in low resource settings to this treatment, the authors recommend that focus be made on preventive measures: prevention against genital tract infections in general and particularly abortion related infections whose sequellae on fallopian tubes constitute one of the major causes of infertility in this part of the world.
Keywords: infertility, couple, investications, treatment
Clinics in Mother and Child Health Vol. 2(1) 2005: 283-290