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Information Needs of Agricultural Scientists in the National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike for Increased Cassava Production in Nigeria
This study examines the information needs and information seeking behaviour of agricultural scientists of the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI) Umudike, Umuahia with a view to assisting information managers of the institute’s library to provide for these needs more efficiently than had been the practice. Questionnaire and interview were used to obtain data and these were analyzed. It was found out that 56.60% of the agricultural research scientists surveyed, access their information needs from the library. Information communication with professional colleagues was also considered important for exchanging current research information as 30% relied on this for their information needs. The study also revealed that scientists preferred using primary sources of information particularly journals, review papers and research reports. Since the library remains the foremost access point for both the traditional and electronic information especially with the recommended integration of the Internet services with library services, the study further reveals that the increased use of the library will lead to increased research activities which ultimately will lead to increased cassava production. The study recommends that as consumers and generators of information, the agricultural scientist should make their research findings available to other researchers, and at the some time enhance their collaboration with their counterparts on the Consultative Groups on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR).
KEYWORDS: Agricultural Scientists–Information Needs; Cassava; Production–Nigeria; Information Needs; Research Institute, Umudike–Nigeria