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Strong absorption and the double folding potential using B3Y-fetal interaction

Raymond C. Abenga
Yahay Y. Ibrahim
Idriss D. Adamu
Kassim L. Ibrahim Ibrahim


This work examines the effects of strong absorption arising from nuclear potentials which are crucial to the understanding of the problem of nuclear interactions in other nonelastic channels. The double folding model was used to derive both the real and imaginary part of the nuclear optical potential using a mass-dependent B3Y-Fetal effective interaction constructed using the lowest order constrained variational (LOCV) approach. The absorption effect was incorporated in the calculations through the imaginary part of the optical potential. The folded potentials were found to be attractive and short-ranged over short internuclear distances of about 0 ≤ r ≤ 6 fm The results of the plots of the S-matrix elements and those of the differential cross-sections of deuteron scattering from  24/12Mg were obtained. It was observed from the plots of the S-matrix elements that regions for which |SL|~0 existed between 0 ≤ L ≤ 5 within the incident energies of 60 -80 MeV, implying strong absorption at these small impact parameters. Pronounced success was also achieved in the fit of the differential cross-sections of d + 24/12 Mg within the energy range of 60 to 170 MeV.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2705-3121
print ISSN: 2705-313X