Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
<p>The <strong>Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology</strong> is the official journal of the Cameroon Forum for Biological Sciences (CAFOBIOS). It is an interdisciplinary journal for the publication of original research papers, short communications and review articles in all fields of experimental biology including biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, toxicology, pathology, environmental biology, microbiology, parasitology, phytochemistry, food science and agronomy. It aims to serve all bioscientists, and is published twice a year.</p><p>This journal has a 6 month embargo period.</p>Dschang University Pressen-USCameroon Journal of Experimental Biology1816-0573Copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the journal.Floristic diversity and ecological characteristics of the steppe vegetation of Diamare plain, Far-North Region of Cameroon
<p>The steppe flora and vegetation represent a significant part of the sahelian zone. It is important to acquire the information on its floristic diversity in order to ensure its rational use. This study aimed to evaluate the floristic and ecological characteristics of the steppe of Diamare plain, Far-North Cameroon. Floristic data were collected on a total of 30 plots of 400 m² each, using stratified sampling method between September and October 2023. The vegetation was analysed using various parameters (frequency, abundance, species richness, diversity indices, life forms and phytogeographical analysis). In total, 172 species (42 woody species and 130 herbaceous species), distributed in 112 genera (31 genera for woody and 88 genera for herbaceous) belonging to 40 families was recorded. <em>Senna occidentalis </em>with 49.47% and 92.59% was respectively the woodiest abundant and frequent species. <em>Achyranthes aspera</em> was the herbaceous species with the greatest coverage (7.075%). The richest families were Fabaceae and Poaceae with respectively 40 and 21 species. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index was 2.71 bits and 5.75 bits, and Pielou evenness index was 0.5 and 0.8 respectively for woody and herbaceous plants. Chamaephytes and therophytes were the most represented life forms 33.72% and 31.39% respectively. The chorological types have shown the dominance of the pantropical species (42.44%). The steppes vegetation is mainly affected by anthropogenic activities and climatic factors. It is therefore necessary to make arrangements and involve local populations to ensure its sustainable management and conservation.</p>Taffo Junior Baudoin Wouokoue *Hadidjatou SouaibouJeanne Flore Nnanga
Copyright (c) 2025 Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
2025-02-152025-02-151821710.4314/%u.v18i2.%cEffect of chemical and organic fertilisation on pollinators of <i>Abelmoschus esculentus</i> Moench (Malvaceae) in Ngaoundéré (Adamawa-Cameroon)
<p><em>Abelmoschus esculentus</em> is a very important cultivated annual crop, in tropical and mediterranean areas. Its fruit presents a vast morphological and phenological variabilities; its flowering period is continuous all around the year but highly dependent on biotic and abiotic factors. This study was conducted to understand the influence of chemical and organic fertilisation on the variation of entomophilous insect of <em>A</em>. <em>esculentus</em> in the Adamawa region in Cameroon. Investigations were carried out during two consecutive agricultural campaigns both in dry and wet seasons on an area of 400 m<sup>2</sup> in Ngaoundere. Three cropping processes were carried out: cultivation of okra with chemical fertiliser and regular weeding; cultivation of okra with organic fertiliser, consisting of a local made compost with regular weeding; and cultivation of okra whit no fertilisation (negative control). 60 plants were randomly selected and labelled per treatment. The aim was to count for 8 times periods the different pollinating insects present on the flowers of <em>A</em>. <em>esculentus</em> for each treatment in the two seasons. Measurement of pollen grains diameter was done on 40 pollen grains for each treatment. A total of 40 flowers were selected per treatment to evaluated sugar concentration in the nectar. Results showed that a total of 27 insects were pollinators of okra in Ngaoundere, most abundant in rainy season compare to dry season. The main pollinators varied with the season. Plants fertilised with compost were more attractive in the rainy seasons than the dry season; organic fertilisation enhanced pollinator’s visits. Moreover, pollen from these plants were larger. This study rises up that, organic fertilisation leads to plants with most attractive flowers containing large pollen grains which are finally most pollinated. In both seasons, nectar from compost-amended flowers contained higher sugar concentration.</p>Céline Corine Kouekeke Kouayet Delphine Nguemo Dongock *Léonard Simon Tinkeu Ngamo
Copyright (c) 2025 Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
2025-02-152025-02-15182816Élevages de camelin dans la province de l’Ennedi-Ouest au Tchad : caractéristiques et typologie
<p>Le Tchad est un pays en majorité désertique ou l’élevage camelin, bien que mal quantifié, représente une part considérable des activités du secteur primaire de l’économie. Cet élevage est tributaire de ressources fourragères des parcours naturels est soumis aux aléas de la pluviométrie, répartie inégalement dans le temps et l’espace. Pour exploiter ces parcours, l’une des stratégies adoptées par les éleveurs chameliers est la mobilité. L’étude a été menée dans la province de l’Ennedi Ouest au Tchad en vue de décrire la typologie de l’élevage camelin. L’enquête s’est déroulée durant le mois de mars 2022. Un échantillon de 138 éleveurs a été choisie de façon aléatoire et soumis au questionnaire. Les principaux résultats ont montré que, l’élevage camelin est exclusivement masculin (100%), tous mariés et appartenant à la communauté pastorale Gourane (81,75%). La classification typologique a relevée trois groupes d’éleveurs : Les transhumants du premier groupe 1 et 2 regroupèrent respectivement 43,06 et 43,33% des enquêtés et ceux du troisième groupe 14,60%. Dans le groupe 1, le chef de campement était le décideur de leur première mobilité pour la transhumance (82,46%). En saison pluvieuse, la plupart des éleveurs effectuent de transhumance par la protection de leurs animaux contre les insectes piqueurs (88,33) et dans la zone de pâturage avec les mares comme dispositif d’abreuvage (71,79). Pour le groupe 2, l’éleveur était le décideur de la deuxième mobilité pour la transhumance (71,05%). La raison de leur mobilité pour la première étape de transhumance était la recherche du pâturage (80,85%) avec les fleuves et les cours d’eau comme dispositif d’abreuvage (100 %). La recherche du terroir d’attache (72%) était la raison de leur deuxième mobilité de transhumance. Par contre dans le groupe 3, la famille nucléaire était le décideur de leur première mobilité pour la transhumance (82,61%). Pour la plupart, Ils se déplaçaient une seule fois (73,08%). En plus, leur raison de mobilité était la recherche d’eau (72,22%) et utilisaient les puits traditionnels comme dispositif d’abreuvage (66,67 %) et 85% des éleveurs chameliers ne font pas la prophylaxie sanitaire. L’élevage camelin contribue à la résilience des populations sahéliennes, à la sécurité alimentaire et à la valorisation des écosystèmes désertiques. Le système d’élevage est en perpétuel mutation dans le Sahel.</p> <p><strong> </strong><strong>Abstract </strong></p> <p>The study was carried out in the Ennedi Ouest province to describe the typology of camel farming. A sample of 138 breeders was randomly selected and surveyed on the basis of a questionnaire. The main results showed that camel herding is exclusively male (100%), married (%) and predominantly of the Gourane ethnic group (81.75%). The typological classification revealed three groups of herders: transhumant herders in groups 1 and 2 accounted for 43.06% and 43.33% of respondents respectively, and transhumant herders in group 3 accounted for 14.60%. In group 1, the head of the camp was the decision-maker for their first transhumance (82.46%). They were mostly made up of those who supported their first transhumance mobility by protecting their herd against biting insects (88.33%) and were provided with abundant grazing (69.88%), with ponds as watering devices (71.79%). For group 2, the herder was the decision-maker for the second transhumance mobility (71.05%). The reason for their mobility for the first stage of transhumance was the search for pasture (80.85%), with rivers and streams as watering devices (100%). The search for home land (72%) was the reason for their second transhumance mobility. In Group 3, on the other hand, the nuclear family was the decision-maker for their first transhumance mobility (82.61%). For the most part, they moved only once (73.08%). In addition, the reason for their mobility was the search for water (72.22%), and they used traditional wells for watering (66.67%). Camel farming contributes to the resilience of Sahelian population, food security and the enhancement of desert ecosystems. Livestock farming systems are constantly changing in the Sahel.</p>Abakar Touka *Herbert Bamare DjomtchaigueIssa YoussoufKoussou Mian Oudanang Amine Mahamat Ahmat MahamatValere Salako Kolawole
Copyright (c) 2025 Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
2025-02-152025-02-151821723The aqueous and methanolic extracts of <i>Pittosporum mannii</i> (Pittosporaceae) leaves are devoided of anti-inflammatory activity: evidence from <i>in vivo</i> and <i>in vitro</i> testing
<p>Objectives: Previous studies demonstrated that aqueous and methanolic extracts from the leaves of <em>Pittosporum</em> <em>mannii</em> possess analgesic but not anti-inflammatory activities. The present work attempted to understand the lack of the anti-inflammatory effects of those extracts. Materials and methods: Plant extracts were given orally at the doses of 75, 150 and 300 mg/kg on inflammation induced by Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA; 100 µL; <em></em>). Equally the acetic acid (0.7%) induced vascular permeability and leukocytes mobilizations were investigated. Extracts (75, 150 and 300 mg/kg) were given orally one hour before inflammation induction. The effects of extracts were also evaluated on stimulated and non-stimulated macrophages at the concentration of 10, 30, 100 and 300 µg/mL for 8 and 24 h.. </p> <p>Results: Aqueous and methanolic extracts administration have no effects on CFA induced inflammation model. However, both extracts significantly (p<0.05, p<0.01 and p<0.001) increased capillary permeability accentuation induced by acetic acid in rat at dose 75, 150, 300 mg/kg. Both extracts significantly (p<0.05, p<0.01 and p<0.001) inhibited leukocytes, granulocytes and lymphocytes migration in the rat’s peritoneal fluid with high effect for AEPM at the dose of 75 mg/kg. Animals mean platelet volume and <em>in vitro</em> hemolysis of erythrocytes induced by heat were not significantly inhibited by extracts. For the NO production by non-stimulated macrophages and stimulated (using LPS), no significant difference was observed. Conclusion: These results suggest that, aqueous and methanolic extracts from the leaves of <em>Pittosporum</em> <em>mannii</em> present no anti-inflammatory activities despite their ability to inhibit leukocytes migration.</p>Bibiane Aimée Wandji *Francis Desire Tatsinkou Bomba Alphonse Douglas Ngangoum Mouga Basile Nganmegne Piegang Christian Fofié Kuété Pepin Alango Nkeng-EfouetAlbert Kamanyi Telesphore Benoit Nguelefack *
Copyright (c) 2025 Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
2025-02-152025-02-151822430Phytochemical profiling, estimation of total phenolic content and in vitro antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activity of leaves extracts of <i>Tabernaemontana inconpiscua</i> Stapf.
<p>This study aimed to evaluate the phytochemical profile, antioxidant activity, and anti-inflammatory activity of water, methanol, ethyl acetate, leaf extracts of <em>Tabernaemontana inconspicua</em> Stapf. Phytochemical analysis using high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) revealed the presence of sterols, flavonoids, and tannins in the leaves. The methanol extract exhibited the highest total phenolic (534.00 ± 0.07 mg GAE/g DW) and flavonoid (130.39 ± 0.18 mg QE/g DW) content compared to ethyl acetate and aqueous extracts. The antioxidant activity of the methanol extract was significant, with a ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP assay) value of 331.65 ± 1.05 mg ECAT/g DW, and an SC50 value of 20 ± 0.09 µg/mL using the ABTS method, comparable to the standard gallic acid (SC50 = 25 ± 0.09 µg/mL). The anti-inflammatory activity of the methanol extract, evaluated using the Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) denaturation method, showed a significant IC50 value of 13 ± 0.09 µg/mL, comparable to the standard drug diclofenac sodium (IC50 = 15 ± 0.04 µg/mL). These results suggest that the leaves of <em>T. inconspicua</em> possess potential anti-inflammatory activity and are a good source of natural antioxidants.</p>Lidwine Ngah *Fanny-Aimée Essombe Malolo Caroline Ngo Nyobe Henri Julien Nko’o Willifred Dongmo Tekapi Tsopgni Gisele Etame Loe Jean Duplex Wansi Alain Kamdem Waffo Jean Claude Ndom Emmanuel Mpondo Mpondo
Copyright (c) 2025 Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
2025-02-152025-02-151823136Chemical composition, insecticidal and repellent effects of three essential oils of aromatic plants from Cameroon: <i>Ocimum basilicum</i> L., <i>Ocimum canum</i> Sims and <i>Ocimum gratissimum</i> L. on <i>Dermestes maculatus</i> De Geer, 1774 (Coleoptera: Dermestidae)
<p>The main harmful insect that infest stored freshwater smoked fishes is<em> Dermestes maculatus</em> (De Geer, 1774) (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). To fight against this harmful insect, people used chemical pesticides. To contribute to the protection of these foodstuffs against attacks of harmful insects during storage, some essential oils of aromatic plants with insecticidal properties are considered as alternatives nowadays. The purpose of the present work was to determine the chemical composition, insecticidal and repellent effects of the essential oils of three aromatic plants of Lamiaceae: <em>Ocimum canum, Ocimum basilicum</em> and <em>Ocimum gratissimum</em> on <em>D. maculatus</em>. After extraction by hydrodistillation of these plants, the essential oils were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Insecticidal and insect repellent tests were carried out by contact inhalation of crude essential oils on <em>D.</em> <em>maculatus </em>isolated from stored smoked freshwater fishes. The yields of extraction revealed that <em>O. canum</em> (0.35%) produced more essential oils than <em>O. gratissimum</em> (0.30%) and <em>O. basilicum </em>(0.15%). The GC/MS analyzes showed 47, 46 and 41 chemical compounds in <em>O. basilicum, O. canum </em>and <em>O. gratissimuum</em> essential oil respectively with o-thymol as major active ingredient. These essential oils are rich in monoterpenes (˃75 %). The oxygenated monoterpenes are more represented in <em>O. basilicum </em>(80.30%) followed by <em>O. gratissimum </em>(66.67 %) and <em>O. canum </em>(60.81 %). The essential oil of <em>O. gratissimum</em> is the most effective with a smaller lethal dose 100 (LD<sub>100</sub>) of 16 µL on larvae VII and 100 µL on adults, with a repellent power of 61.25% (Class IV) on larvae VII. According to the results, the lower lethal time 100 (LT<sub>100</sub>) is from 18 h for <em>O. gratissimum </em>and from 22 h for<em> O. basilicum </em>and <em>O. canum </em>on the larvae VII. These results suggest a sustainable strategy for the control of insect pests in stored products.</p>Hervé Ngunte Tekou Justin Djimbie Djopnang Sammuel Raymond Tchabong Laurent Franz Tahon Yantcho Martial Judicaël PeyienoBéranger Raoul Tamgno *François Tchoumbougnang
Copyright (c) 2025 Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
2025-02-152025-02-151823745Niveau d’incorporation de la poudre de fruit <i>Afrostyrax lepidophyllus</i> (Rondelles) dans l'aliment, performances zootechniques et profil microbien intestinal du poisson-chat africain (<i>Clarias gariepinus</i>)
<p>Cette étude a été menée pour évaluer l’effet de l'incorporation de la poudre de fruit de <em>Afrostyrax lepidophyllus</em> dans l’aliment à des doses élevées sur les performances de croissance, le profil microbien intestinal et la composition bromatologique de la chair des juvéniles de <em>Clarias gariepinus</em>. 336 juvéniles de<em> C. gariepinus</em> de poids moyen 18,08±0,45g ont été répartis dans 12 happas, disposés en triplicata et repartis en quatre traitements dont T<sub>0 </sub>(traitement témoin, sans additif), T<sub>1,</sub> T<sub>2</sub> et T<sub>3 </sub>traitements supplémentés respectivement à 1%, 1,5% et 2% de la poudre de fruit de <em>A. lepidophyllus</em>. Tous les 21 jours une pêche de contrôle était effectuée, les juvéniles par traitement étaient comptés, les poids et les longueurs mesurés et l'alimentation ajusté. L’incorporation de la poudre de fruit de <em>A. lepidophyllus</em> dans les rations alimentaires n’a eu aucun effet significatif (P>0,05) sur les performances zootechniques des juvéniles de <em>C. gariepinus</em>. A l’exception du gain de poids qui a été significativement plus faible (P<0,05) chez les juvéniles du traitement T<sub>1</sub>. La même tendance a été observée avec les valeurs de la rétention nutritionnelle qui ont été significativement plus faible (P<0,05) pour les carcasses des juvéniles nourris à la ration supplémentée à 1% de <em>A. lepidophyllus</em> comparé au traitement témoin et aux autres traitements supplémentés. Aucune différence significative (P>0,05) n’a été enregistrée pour les traitements en ce qui concerne les caractéristiques de la flore intestinale, le développement des organes de digestion et les intestins des juvéniles de <em>C. gariepinus</em>. Cette étude a montré que l'incorporation de la poudre de fruit de <em>A. lepidophyllus</em> dans l’aliment à 10, 15 et 20g/kg n’a aucun effet significatif (P>0,05) sur l’intestin et sa flore, sur les organes de digestion ainsi que sur les performances zootechniques et la rétention nutritionnelle des juvéniles de <em>C. gariepinus</em>.</p> <p><strong>Abstract </strong></p> <p>The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of high-dose incorporation of <em>Afrostyrax lepidophyllus</em> fruit powder into feed on the growth performances, gut microbial profiles and flesh bromatology composition of <em>Clarias gariepinus</em> juveniles. 336 <em>C. gariepinus</em> juveniles with average weight of 18.08±0.45g were placed in 12 happas, arranged in triplicates and divided into four treatments: T<sub>0</sub> (control treatment, without additive), T<sub>1</sub>, T<sub>2</sub> and T<sub>3</sub> treatments supplemented respectively with 1%, 1.5% and 2% <em>A. lepidophyllus</em> fruit powder. Every 21 days, a control fishery was carried out, juveniles per treatment were counted, weights and lengths measured and feeding adjusted. The incorporation of <em>A. lepidophyllus</em> fruit powder in feed had no significant effect (P>0,05) on the zootechnical performance of <em>C. gariepinus</em> juveniles. Except weight gain, which was significantly lower (P<0,05) in juveniles in treatment T1. The same trend was observed with nutritional retention values, which were significantly lower (P<0.05) for the carcasses of juveniles fed diet supplemented with 1% <em>A. lepidophyllus</em> compared with the control and other supplemented treatments. No significant differences (P>0.05) were recorded between treatments in terms of gut microflora, digestive organs development and intestinal characteristics of <em>C. gariepinus</em> juveniles. This study showed that the incorporation of <em>A. lepidophyllus</em> fruit powder in feed at 10, 15 and 20g/kg had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the intestine and its flora, on the digestive organs and on the zootechnical performance and nutritional retention of <em>C. gariepinus</em> juveniles.</p>Divine Doriane Mane Yemdjie *Arlette Noel Ndjuissi Tamko Frank KollaPawel Longmene TadoukengJean Raphael Kana Minette Tomedi Eyango Alexis Teguia
Copyright (c) 2025 Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
2025-02-152025-02-151824652Morphobiometric characterization of sheep (<i>Ovis aries</i>) in Cameroon Bimodal Rain Forest and Sudano-Sahelian agroecological zones
<p>Small ruminants are important animal genetic resources in the tropics and play a significant role in many developing countries for food, and socio-economic aspects. Given a contribution in the genetic resources of sheep for their better utilisation, this study aims to describe the indigenous sheep (<em>Ovis aries</em>) for their body measurements, morphological characteristics and major genes with visible effect on the phenotype in Cameroon Bimodal Rainforest (CBR) and Sudano-Sahelian (SS) agroecological zones. Qualitative traits show that sheep are multicoloured, with the predominance of the white spotted with black colour (75.06%) and white spotted with brown (15.17%). However, other coat colour traits, including black (1.67%) and brown (0.56%), were less represented. Some sheep wear wattles (4.5%) and manes (11.80%). Horns are primarily present in rams. The main body measurements were evaluated in cm as follows: the chest depth (43.82±5.58), the heart girth (75.44±8.71), the scapulo-ischial length (60.46±6.41), height at withers (75.16±9.23), head length (22.08±2.91), tail length (36.42±8.14) and ear length (16.08±3.82). Although the above studies were conducted in various localities by different researchers, there is little information on the genetic diversity of sheep in Cameroon. Studies such as molecular polymorphisms and genotyping associated with phylogeny are quite necessary in order to deepen the genetic differences between and within sheep populations.</p>Ermine Lepawouah Keubeng *Christel GuessomBlaise Arnaud Hako ToukoAziwo Tatanja Niba Jean-Claude Fotsa *
Copyright (c) 2025 Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
2025-02-152025-02-151825358Effect of <i>Tilapia sparrmanii</i> (Tilapia) and <i>Scomber scombrus</i> (Mackerel) oil on the lipid profile, behavior and oxidative stress parameters of wistar rats fed with hyperlipidemic diet
<p>Hyperlipidemia is a condition in which the concentration of lipids in blood is higher than normal due to a high fat diet. Statins being drugs of choice for treatment may cause adverse effects in some patients such as muscle pain. The aim of this study was to determine the therapeutic benefit of two fish oils (Tilapia oil and mackerel oil) as potential preventive medicine on hyperlipidemia induced in rats and to determine their antioxidant potentials. Physicochemical analysis of the <em>Tilapia sparrmanii</em> (Tilapia) oil and <em>Scomber scombrus</em> (Mackerel) oil revealed that % free fatty acids ranged from 0.98-0.87%, iodine value was high and ranged from 118.41 to 134.64g I<sub>2</sub>.100g, peroxide value from 7.94 to 4.46meq/kg oil, P-anisidine Value from 18.57 to 12.58 and Totox value from 34.45 to 21.50 respectively. For <em>in-vivo</em> studies of the health benefit of the oils, male Wistar albino rats were randomly divided in to seven groups of 5 animals each. Each group was fed differently as follows: normal rat diet, negative control (hyperlipidemic diet), positive control (atorvastatin drug), experimental groups fed with fish oils and a combination of fish oil and drug, fed for 28days. Body weight measurement and behavioral testing were done weekly. Animals were then sacrificed for lipid profiling and determination of antioxidant properties. Body weight increased generally in all the groups with the positive control and the experimental groups increasing least and the negative control increasing most. Both tilapia and mackerel fish oils decreased total cholesterol (mg/dL) respectively from 46.58 to 31.9 and 32.9, triglycerides (11.29 to 5.42 and 4.37), low density lipoprotein (19.8 to 7.05 and 12.65) significantly (p<0.05) and increased high density lipoprotein (7.15 to 14.96 and 15.53) with only mackerel showing a significant increase (p<0.05), at 95% confidence interval. Both tilapia and mackerel fish oils also showed a similar effect respectively in reducing malondialdehyde (1.25 to 0.54 and 0.63 µM) and nitric oxide (3.75 to 2.41 and 2.84 µM) while increasing glutathione (10.76 to 12.08 to 11.26 µM) significantly (p<0.05) in the liver. Thus, from the mean results, both fish oils demonstrate antihyperlipidemic and antioxidant potentials.</p>Steve Berinyuy Mainsah Mireille Sylviane Dongmo Nguepi Achidi Aduni Ufuan Bernard Tiencheu *Fabrice Djikeng Tonfack Flore Tiepma Ngongang Deffo Romelle Feumba Dibanda Agnes Namondo Mbongo Lyonga Germain Sotoing Taiwe
Copyright (c) 2025 Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
2025-02-152025-02-151825967Comparative study of the physicochemical, functional, and rheological properties of wheat-plantain and wheat-cassava-composite flour and bread acceptability
<p>The purpose of this work was to contribute to the valorization of local plantain and cassava flours as substitutes for wheat (<em>Triticum aestivum</em>) flour in bread formulation. To achieve this, total starch, amylose, amylopectin, water, and dry matter contents, functional and rheological properties of wheat-plantain and wheat-cassava-composite flours at different proportions (0%; 10%; 20; 30 and 50%) were evaluated using standard methods. This was followed by the evaluation of the sensory characteristics of bread from these raw materials. The results showed that substituting wheat flour with cassava (<em>Manihot esculenta</em>) and plantain (<em>Musa paradisiaca</em>) flours increased the starch, amylose, and amylopectin content of the flours, which ranged from 39.49 to 76.43%, 27.21 to 36.48% and 63.51 to 72.78% respectively. The water content of the flour was below the threshold value of 14%. Determination of rheological properties of the flours yielded water and oil retention capacity values ranging from 0.25 to 1.59% and 1.35 to 1.80% respectively. In addition, the evaluation of the weighing-out properties of the various flours showed that they possessed good bread-making qualities that could be used in food formulation. Also, the bread’s taste, colour, and overall acceptability parameters yielded values ranging from 1.93 to 3.46; 2.00 to 3.80, and 2.00 to 3.55 respectively. Thus, based on these results, some ratio of composite flours based on wheat cassava (30%) and wheat-plantain flours (20 and 30%) could be used for the local formulation of bread.</p>Serge Cyrille Houketchang Ndomou *William Toudji Bilkissou Njapndounke Alix Ntongme Mboukap Marie Madeleine Nanga Ndjang Stephano Tene Tambo Hilaire Macaire Womeni
Copyright (c) 2025 Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
2025-02-152025-02-151826875The physicochemical characteristics, nutritional composition and antioxidant activities of <i>Trichoscypha oddonii</i> (Anacardiaceae) fruits from the forests of East Cameroon may be useful for improving human nutrition and health
<p>Malnutrition is a social scourge that affects the Cameroon Eastern region. In order to improve the nutritional status of these populations, it is essential to know and valorize the nutritional composition of forest foods such as fruits which are accessible and little consummed by local population. The present study aimed to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics, nutritional value and the antioxidant potential of <em>Trichoscypha oddonii</em> fruit pulps. To achieve this work, we determined mainly the macronutrient and micronutrient content. After that, we evaluated the total phenol and flavonoides content. Finaly the antioxidant activities of <em>Trichoscypha oddonii</em> pulps have been studied. The results of this work showed that the pulp of these fruits contains carbohydrates (55.83%), proteins (2.88%), lipids (12.98%) and fibers (10.63%). The analysis of the mineral content revealed the presence of Zinc (0.79%), Iron (10.29%), Magnesium (35.06%), Potassium (446.65%) and especially Calcium (1386 .33%). Bioactive compound were also identified as polyphenols (413.79 µg ECa/g DM), flavonoids (50.48 µg EQ/g DM) giving to this fruit antioxidant activities. The consumption of <em>Trichoscypha oddonii</em> pulps could contribute to improving the nutritional status of populations in the Eastern Cameroon region.</p>Ulrich Landry Kamdem Bemmo *Marie Estelle Farlène NgueGires Boungo Teboukeu Ferdinand Lanvin Edoun Ebouel François Ngoufack Zambou
Copyright (c) 2025 Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
2025-02-152025-02-151827682Perception des communautés locales sur les services écosystémiques rendus par la végétation ligneuse du Domaine de chasse de Mondo-Missa au Nord-Est de la République Démocratique du Congo
<p>Le Domaine de chasse de Mondo-Missa fait partie du complexe d’aires protégées de la Garamba, situé au Nord-Est de la République Démocratique du Congo. Cet espace au sein duquel les communautés locales vivent aux dépens des ressources floristiques, constitue une aire partiellement protégée dans un paysage dominé par la savane arborée et les forêts claires. Cette étude analyse la perception des communautés locales sur les services écosystémiques offerts par les écosystèmes boisés de cette aire protégée, afin d’aider les gestionnaires à renforcer les mesures de conservation communautaire. Des enquêtes ethnoécologiques et ethnobotaniques ont été menées auprès de 222 chefs de ménages répartis dans 4 villages au sein du Domaine de chasse de Mondo-Missa. Les données collectées ont fait l’objet des calculs d’indices ethnobotaniques et d’indice de vulnérabilité ainsi que du test d’Anova ayant permis de déduire la séparation des moyennes au seuil de 5%. Les résultats ont révélé que les services d’approvisionnement viennent en premier rang avec une fréquence moyenne de 41,67%; suivis des services de support (24,57%), des services de régulations (19,60%), et enfin les services culturels (3,58%). Un total de 57 espèces ligneuses fournissent divers services utiles pour les communautés locales parmi lesquels des médicaments traditionnels (84%), des fruits sauvages (25%), des cordes (12%), divers matériels d’apiculture (4%) et matériaux de couverture de toiture (2%). Seule la catégorie socioprofessionnelle et le niveau d’éducation influencent la perception des services écosystémiques. Les inventaires floristiques ont permis d’identifier <em>Canarium schweinfurtii, Ceiba pentandra, Harungana madagascariensis, </em><em>Nauclea latifolia, Paullinia pinnata </em>et<em> Zanthoxylum gilletii </em>comme étant les plus vulnérables. L’agriculture itinérante sur brulis, le feu de brousse et l’invasion par <em>Chromolaena odorata </em>sont perçus comme étant les principaux moteurs de dégradation des mosaïques forêt-savanes pouvant réduire la fourniture des services écosystémiques au profit des communautés locales. Cette étude démontre la nécessité de renforcer les moyens de subsistance des communautés locales pour leur permettre de réduire leur dépendance vis-à-vis des ressources ligneuses du Domaine de chasse.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Abstract </strong></p> <p>The Mondo-Missa Hunting reserve is part of the Garamba protected area complex, located in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This area, where local communities live thanks to vegetable resources, is a partial protected area in a landscape dominated by wooded savannah and open forests. This study aims to analyze the perception of local communities on the ecosystem services offered by the wooded ecosystems of this protected area in order to help managers strengthen community conservation measures. Ethnoecological and ethnobotanical surveys conducted among 222 heads of households spread across 4 villages within the Mondo-Missa Hunting reservee made possible to assess the perception of local communities on ecosystem services and to determine the use and vulnerability of woody species providing various supply services. The data collected were subjected to analyses (ethnobotany, vulnerability, analysis of variance test). The results revealed that provisioning services come first, with an average frequency of citation of 41.67%; followed by support services (24.57%), regulatory services (19.60%); then in very small proportion, cultural services (3.58%). Fifty-seven woody species provide various useful services for local communities, including traditional medicines (84%), wild fruits (25%), ropes (12%), beekeeping equipment (4%) and roofing materials (2%). Only the socio-professional category and the level of education influence the perception of ecosystem services. The species <em>Canarium schweinfurtii, Ceiba pentandra, Harungana madagascariensis, Nauclea latifolia, Paullinia pinnata</em> and <em>Zanthoxylum gilletii</em> have been recognized as the most vulnerable. Slash-and-burn agriculture, bushfires and invasion by <em>Chromolaena odorata</em> are perceived as the main drivers of degradation of forest-savannah mosaics that can negatively affect the providing of ecosystem services. This study demonstrates the need to strengthen the livelihoods of local communities to enable them to reduce their dependence on the wood resources of the Hunting reserve.</p>Aimé Kambale Mateso Jean Semeki Ngabinzeke Dieudonné Kwadje Lugala Didier Kimpungi Diana Prince Kofuterembi NgamboMarie Caroline Solefack Momo *
Copyright (c) 2025 Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
2025-02-152025-02-151828390Dose-dependent effects of human menopausal gonadotropin on growth and reproductive performance of West African dwarf does
<p>Human menopausal gonadotropins (HMG) or menotrophinhas been effectively used for ovarian stimulation in clinical practice in human. It comes in different trade names such as Pergonal, Humegon, Repronex, etc which contains mixtures of both human pituitary hormones (Follicle stimulating hormone, FSH and Luteinizing hormone, LH) in different proportions. FSH and LH are produced by the anterior pituitary gland to stimulate the ovaries for the process of steroidogenesis and ovulation. However, its use in follicular manipulation in West African Dwarf (WAD) goat is limited which necessitated this study on the evaluation of the effects of HMG on growth and reproductive performance of the WAD doe. Thirty adult female WAD goats with initial weights of 16 – 26kg and between 1to 2years old were used for this study. The animals were quarantined for two weeks during which they were treated for endo and ectoparasites using ivermectin<em>i/m</em>. They were allowed access to feed and forages (<em>Panicum maximum</em> and <em>Pennisetumpurpureum</em>), and water <em>ad-libitum</em>. The animals were later assigned to three treatments (A, B, C) after equalization of weights with two replicates made up of five animals each. Animals in treatment A were administered normal saline (0.2 mL) while those in treatments B and C were given 0.1ml(4IU) and 0.2 mL (8IU) of HMG per 19kg weights respectively thrice in a week. The duration of the experiment was 3months. Daily feed offered and refusals were recorded along with body weights which was taken forthnightly after the initial weights. Blood samples were collected into ethylene diaminetetracetic acid (EDTA) coated bottles for haematology evaluation and plain bottles for serum and hormonal assay by jugular venipuncture at the end of experiment. The result of the study showed that HMG administration had significant effect (p<0.05) on height at withers, heart-girth, body-length, head length, tail length and rump width. It caused significant increase in neutrophils, eosinophils and monocytes while reducing lymphocytes, basophils and procalcitonin. There was also significant increase in total protein, albumin and alkaline phosphatase with reduction in creatinine, sodium, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase. It also led to significant increase in progesterone and triglycerides while FSH significantly reduced.</p> <p>It could therefore be concluded that HMG had no appreciable effects on morphometric indices; it stabilizes progesterone and triglycerides at 0.2 mL (8IU). It is recommended that the use of HMG should be limited to 0.2 mL (8IU) intramuscular injection at 3times per week.</p>Kehinde Matthias Okukpe *
Copyright (c) 2025 Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
2025-02-152025-02-151829197Acute and subchronic oral toxicity assessment of the aqueous extract from the stem bark of <i>Garcinia lucida</i> Vesque (Clusiaceae) in Wistar Rats
<p><em>Garcinia lucida</em> is mostly used in Cameroon as a medicinal plant. In a previous study, we showed that the aqueous extract from the stem bark of <em>Garcinia lucida </em>possesses nephroprotective and antihypertensive effects. However, knowledge about its toxicity is lacking. This study was undertaken to evaluate the acute and subchronic oral toxicity of the aqueous extract of <em>Garcinia lucida</em> stem bark in Wistar rats. In acute toxicity study, a single oral dose of 5000 mg/kg of aqueous extract was administered to young female rats and observed for 48 hours for mortality and any toxicity manifestations. General behavior, adverse effects and mortality were determined for up to 7 days post treatment. In subchronic toxicity study, the extract was administered daily to rats of both sexes at doses of 150, 300, or 600 mg/kg body weight for 28 consecutive days. Body weight, water, and food intake were evaluated weekly. At the end of the treatment, hematological parameters and serum hepatic and renal biochemical parameters were evaluated. Liver and kidney were examined histologically for any signs of organ damage. The results showed that no change in the general behavior, body weight, relative organ weight, or mortality was observed in the tested groups. The lethal dose 50 (LD50) was estimated higher than 5000 mg/kg. In subchronic toxicity, no change in biochemical parameters was observed except for serum urea and high-density lipoprotein, whose levels were significantly increased (p < 0.01) in males at the dose of 600 mg/kg, while urea and creatinine significantly reduced in females (p < 0.01). Hematological parameters such as hemoglobin were significantly reduced in groups treated with <em>Garcinia lucida</em> extract as compared to control. Histological analysis of the kidney and liver did not show any structural alteration. Aqueous extract of <em>Garcinia lucida</em> did not show major signs of toxicity. Hence, the aqueous extract of <em>Garcinia lucida</em> stem bark did not produce adverse side effects in rats after oral acute and subchronic toxicity.</p>Christelle Stéphanie Sonfack *Elvine Pami Nguelefack-Mbuyo Edwige Laure Nguemfo Edwige Laure Lappa Jacquy Joyce KojomCalvin Bogning Zangueu Télesphore Benoît NguelefackAlain Bertrand Dongmo
Copyright (c) 2025 Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
2025-02-152025-02-1518298105The Effects of dietary Lycopene Supplementation from <i>Lycopersicum esculentum</i> on semen quality of West African dwarf Bucks
<p>West African dwarf (WAD) bucks are the most raised goats for meat in the Southwestern part of Nigeria and it is associated with low productivity. This initiated efforts towards improving semen quality with known natural antioxidant such as lycopene present in some fruits. Tomato (<em>Lycopersicum esculentum</em>) is one of the most abundant source of lycopene and the most readily available in our locality. Thirty sexually matured WAD bucks were randomly allotted into five treatments in a completely randomized design. Treatment A was the negative control (no supplement), B - the positive control with pure lycopene while C, D, E were fed 1.0, 1.5, 2.0g tomato powder per kg feed respectively. The duration of the experiment was ninety days. Semen was collected with artificial vagina (AV) at 30days intervals. The result showed that the length of administration had significant (p<0.05) effect on semen volume and sperm concentration. The higher the inclusion of the tomato powder the higher (p<0.05) the semen volume, sperm concentration, sperm motility and morphological normal spermatozoa. The study showed positive effect of tomato powder supplementation on semen characteristics and that it could be used continuously at 1.5g/ kg feed for as long as 90days.</p> <p> </p>Matthias Kehinde Okukpe *Damilola Tawakalt AdebanjiMichael Olugbenga FamiloniIbidapo Oluwasayope AlliOluladun Victoria Chimezie
Copyright (c) 2025 Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology