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Floristic diversity and ecological characteristics of the steppe vegetation of Diamare plain, Far-North Region of Cameroon

Taffo Junior Baudoin Wouokoue *
Hadidjatou Souaibou
Jeanne Flore Nnanga


The steppe flora and vegetation represent a significant part of the sahelian zone. It is important to acquire the information on its floristic diversity in order to ensure its rational use. This study aimed to evaluate the floristic and ecological characteristics of the steppe of Diamare plain, Far-North Cameroon. Floristic data were collected on a total of 30 plots of 400 m² each, using stratified sampling method between September and October 2023. The vegetation was analysed using various parameters (frequency, abundance, species richness, diversity indices, life forms and phytogeographical analysis). In total, 172 species (42 woody species and 130 herbaceous species), distributed in 112 genera (31 genera for woody and 88 genera for herbaceous) belonging to 40 families was recorded. Senna occidentalis with 49.47% and 92.59% was respectively the woodiest abundant and frequent species. Achyranthes aspera was the herbaceous species with the greatest coverage (7.075%). The richest families were Fabaceae and Poaceae with respectively 40 and 21 species. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index was 2.71 bits and 5.75 bits, and Pielou evenness index was 0.5 and 0.8 respectively for woody and herbaceous plants. Chamaephytes and therophytes were the most represented life forms 33.72% and 31.39% respectively. The chorological types have shown the dominance of the pantropical species (42.44%). The steppes vegetation is mainly affected by anthropogenic activities and climatic factors. It is therefore necessary to make arrangements and involve local populations to ensure its sustainable management and conservation.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1816-0573