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Some physical properties of tabletted Bridelia ferrugnea leaf extract

GC Onunkwo


This paper is an attempt to formulating an indigenous medicinal plant into a modern pharmaceutical tablet dosage form. The dried lead extract of B. ferruginea was formulated into tablets dosage forms using three standard binders at concentration levels of 2–8%w/w. Some physical properties of the tablets such as hardness, friability, disintegration time, dissolution rate and content uniformity were evaluated. The tablets had satisfactory physical properties with exception of those batches containing 4–8%w/w SCMC that failed the disintegration test. Tablets containing SCMC also showed the highest hardness and least friability. Since most of the tablet batches had satisfactory physical properties, it is possible to employ the named binders in the formulation of the conventional tablets of B. ferruginea.

Bio-Research Vol. 3(1) 2005: 85-88

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2705-3822
print ISSN: 1596-7409