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Talon Cusps- A Review of Literature

Karthik Shunmugavelu


Background: A talon cusp is an accessory cusp-like dental anomaly that projects from the cingulum or cementoenamel junction to the incisal edge of the maxillary or mandibular anterior teeth in both primary and permanent dentition. A significant genetic impact has been proposed by the presence of talon cusp in immediate family members. Talon cusp affects both sexes and can be unilateral or bilateral in primary and permanent incisors. Males have a greater level of incidence than females. Hattab and colleagues suggested a classification scheme for these irregular cusps based on their degree of development and extension: type I, type II, type III. There have been many reported clinical cases of predominantly facial talon cusps, 75 % of which were found in permanent dentition. A talon cusp occurs radiographically as a “V”-shaped radiopaque structure. A radiopaque "V"-shaped form is superimposed on a regular picture of a tooth's crown. Depending on the individual appearance and complexities, talon cusp management may be traditional or progressive. Since small talon cusps are asymptomatic, there is no need for therapy.

Objective: The purpose of this article is to give a comprehensive knowledge on talon cusps for etiology, prevalence, clinical features and management based on recent literature.

Conclusion: Talon cusp is a serious dental anomaly, since it can make diagnosis and recovery preparation difficult for clinicians. The scale, presenting problems, and patient cooperation both affect how talon cusp is handled and treated.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2437-1734
print ISSN: 0189-9422