Effect of wheat flour (WF) substitution with ‘Acha' flour (AF) on the quality attributes in bread making was investigated using the following composite blends ratios 85:15, 80:20, 75:25, 70:30, 100:0 (AF) with 100% wheat flour as control. Proximate analysis on both composite flours and their bread products, as well as sensory evaluation of the products were determined. The analysis showed that crude protein and moisture content of the composite blends and their bread products decreased with high levels of ‘Acha' substitution while the ash content increased. Whereas water absorption of the baked products decreased with high levels of substitution, the oil absorption increased. Statistically most of the parameters measured were significantly different at p<0.05. The sensory evaluation showed that product quality rating decreased with high level of wheat flour substitution with ‘Acha' flour. While 100% ‘Acha' flour gave the lowest quality bread, 85:15, 80:20, 75:25 composite blends produced acceptable bread comparable to 100% wheat flour bread.
Keywords: wheat, ‘Acha', composite flour, bread making, sensory evaluation
Botswana Journal of Technology Vol. 14(2) 2005: 51-57