Papers for publication in the Botswana Journal of Technology should describe original developments or research in the field of Engineering and Technology. Review papers are also welcomed. Papers which deal with Education, Pure Sciences, or Mathematics will only be accepted if the subject matter relates directly to an Engineering application. Papers which have direct National or Regional interest are preferred. MANUSCRIPTS SI units should be used. For reviewing purposes manuscripts should be in English, typed in double spacing on one side A-4 size paper only, leaving ample margins, and submitted in three copies to: Reviews Editor, Botswana Journal of Technology, Private Bag 0061, Gaborone, Botswana; Fax: 352309; e-mail: Authors should send all their text and tables on a file or files saved on 3.5-inch diskette formatted for IBM. We are using WordPerfect 6.0 and WORD on IBM-compatible computers. If you are using a different word processor please save in the two ways: as an ASCII (DOS, text, print to disk etc.) file; and save a regular file directly from your word processor you are using. Do not use footnotes. Incorporate all appropriate information in the body of the text. The preferred order of contents is as follows: Title of paper The author's name or authors' names and affiliation(s) should appear below the manuscript title, followed by the briefest form of mailing address(es) at which interested readers may conveniently contact the author(s). A synopis of not more than 200 words, covering the aims of the work, methods used, results obtained and conclusions reached. List of notations where applicable Body of the paper organized into logical sections List of references Appendices. Authors are asked to limit the length of their papers to an equivalent of 12 single-spaced pages including photographs, tables and diagrams. References: Show references in the text by numerals in square brackets, e.g. [1], or [1,2], or [1-3], introduced consecutively. Do not place references in alphabetical order. All references should be listed in the numerical order of text citation at the end of the paper. General rules: Give last name followed by initials for the first author, followed by initials and name(s) of co-authors. For Journal articles give items in the following order: author(s): title of article in quotation marks: journal name in full; volume number; issue number; month and year; inclusive page numbers. For books give items in the following order: author(s); chapter title in quotation marks, if applicable; book title, edition number, if applicable; volume number, if applicable; publisher's name in full; city and country of publication; year of publication; page number(s). For conferences proceedings give items in the following order: author(s), article title in quotation marks: proceeding of specific conference; name of sponsor in full; volume number, month and year; page numbers. Figures and photographs should be supplied as originals. Do not fold them. Lettering should be machine printed. The size must be such that when reduced, if needed, the lettering does not become illegible. Copyright: Submission of an article to the Journal is taken to imply that it represents original, unpublished work, not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute articles, including reprints, photographic reproduction, microfilm or and reproduction of a similar nature, and translation. Permission to publish illustrations must be obtained by the author before submission and any acknowledgements should be included in the figure captions. .

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