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Phytochemical Screening, GC-MS Analysis of the Methanolic Extract of Bracken Fern(Pteridium aquilinum)

Ibrahim Aliyu Ahmed
Adisa Mohammed Jimoh
Hamza Usman Ibrahim
Abdulsalam Khadijat


Bracken, a type of large fern belonging to the genus Pteridium aqulinum and family Denn staedtiaceae, is found in various regions of the world and has been classified as carcinogenicto humans. It is also known for its anti-parasitic and anti-ascaris properties because of its abilitytokill small intestinal ascaris roundworms in the body. This plant synthesize non nutritive phytochemicals with potential toxicity and health benefit. For instance, anti-nutrients, whicharenatural or synthetic compounds that interfere with the absorption of nutrients by binding to vitamins and minerals, preventing their uptake, or inhibiting enzymes. Literature on the phytochemical screening of bracken is limited; Thus, this research was carried out to access th eanti-nutrient, phytochemical constituents and GC-profiling of methanol extract of brackenfern was carried out. Fresh plant samples were collected from Cece, in Lapai Local Government, of Niger State and samples were identified by certified botanist. The results of the study shows that the percentage yield of the methanolic extract of stem was higher than  that of the leave. It also shows the presence of terpenoids in both extracts but absence of tanins. Stemis rich in flavonoid and  alkaloid while leave is rich in saponin and phenolic compound. Both leaves and stem contains higher content of anti nutrients in the range  (mg/kg) cyanide (5.197 - 3.063), oxalate (2.112-2.843) and phytate (0.951 - 0.798). GC-MS analysis reveals that presence of  bioactive components. The major constituents were 1,3 butadiene (19.60 %) for leave, spiro[4.5]decan-2-one at 33.90 and 12.08 % for leave  and stem extract respectively. Anthracene and its derivatives were present in major amount in the leave and stem extract. These  are physiologically important bioactive molecules with anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anticancer and antimalarial properties that can be  isolated for treatment. In addition to other industrial applications such as used as an antioxidant in polymers, production of rubber and  lubricants. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2536-6041