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Comparative Analysis of Spiral Coil Receiver and Cylindrical Pot like Receiver onthePerformance of Parabolic Solar Concentrating System for Thermal Steam Generation

A.B. Bande
I. Muddasir
A. Hajara
S. Muktar


The technology aspect of solar energy is crucial to solving the current global environmental andenergy issues. Scientists, engineers,  governmental and non-governmental organizations arebecoming more aware of the exciting new potential that is solar concentrating  systems forthermal heat energy generating use for residential, commercial, and industrial enterprises. Thepurpose of the research work  was to compare the performance of the Parabolic SolarConcentrating (PDSC) system for thermal steam generation between a spiral coil  receiver andacylindrical pot-like receiver. Materials used to construct the PDSC, SCR, and CPRwere stainlesssteel reflector sheet, copper  tube pipe, and aluminum sheet, in that order. To facilitatetherotation of the system in the direction of solar radiation, a basic manual  tracking mechanismwasused. A limited experimental trial was carried out in different weather circumstances, andthethermal steam  produced by the system using SCR and CPR as receiver absorbers was utilizedforcomparison analysis along with the performance  assessment. High temperature steamwas foundto be produced by the parabolic solar concentrating system using SPR and CPRas  receivers, with values of 225.3 oC and 210 oC, respectively. This temperature variation by thetworeceivers could be as the results of   differences in term of material used in constructionthereceivers’ absorber.  

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2536-6041