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Prevalence Of Domestic Violence During Pregnancy In Oleh, A Suburban Isoko Community, Delta State, Nigeria
the prevalence, knowledge and perception of domestic violence amongst 400 consecutive pregnant women attending the ante-natal clinic of Central Hospital, Oleh. The mean age of the
respondents was 28 ± 4.3 years (Range 15 – 44years) and, 82% of them attained at least secondary school education.
Three hundred and sixty eight (92%) showed complete knowledge of domestic violence. A total of 144 (36%) of the
women had experienced domestic violence during pregnancy. Domestic violence experienced were in the forms of verbal (58%), physical (31%) and sexual (11%) abuses. The husband was the commonest offender (92%). Some of the women felt domestic violence in pregnancy was always (12%) or under
certain conditions (25%) excusable; and 77% of them would keep domestic violence in pregnancy secret. It is recommended that public awareness, about the inherent dangers associated
with this act should be improved.
Key words: Domestic violence, pregnant women; suburban community