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Quality Of Life Of People Living With Hiv/Aids In Kogi State, Nigeria
environment. Objective: This study assessed the QoL of PLWHA attending antiretroviral (ARV) clinics in Kogi State in
north central Nigeria. Methods: A descriptive crosssectional
study design was used. Two hundred fifty-two PLWHA from five
health care centres located across the three zones of Kogi State in Nigeria were consecutively selected. A questionnaire, administered at interview and containing data on sociodemographic, medical, and the WHOQOL-HIV bref was used to assess each study participant. Results: The overall QoL mean scores in the three domains were similar: psychological health, 15.0±2.8; physical health, 15.2±2.5; and spirituality/religion/personal beliefs, 15.7± 3.4. Lower QoL mean scores were observed in social relationships (13.2±2.5) and environment (13.1±1.9) domains. A significant difference in
mean QoL scores in the level of independence domain was observed among women (14.4±1.9) compared to men (13.9±1.7; p=0.028). Conclusions: Lower QoL in the environment and social relationships domains may be suggestive of stigma and discrimination, as well as poor living conditions, in the PLWHA physical environment.
Key words: Quality of life, PLWHA, HIV, AIDS, WHOQOL-HIV bref.