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Prevalence and Causes of Visual Impairment amongst Working and Retired Population in Dawakin Kudu Local Government Kano State

E. Okpo
G.A. Isma'il
P.I. Nwakuche


Background: Low vision has a negative impact on the quality of life of people living with it. Aim: The purpose of the study was to  determine the prevalence and causes of visual impairment amongst the working and retired population in Dawakin Kudu Local Government, Kano State.

Methods: A prospective cross-sectional survey was carried out over six months on 395 participants 15 years and  above. Ocular examinations of the external and internal structures of the participants were performed. Visual acuity was measured  by the unaided and pinhole method with Baily-Lovie Design Tumbling Es illiterate logMAR charts at the standard viewing distance (4  meters).

Results: The age range encountered varies from 15 to 95 years with ages 45 – 59 being the highest. The overall prevalence of  visual impairment was 22.03%, consisting of moderate visual impairment (74.7%), severe visual impairment (20.7%) and blindness (4.6%).  Major causes of visual impairment were cataracts (44.8%), glaucoma (17.2%), trachoma (2.3%) and retinitis pigmentosa (2.3%). Ageing is  positively correlated with visual impairment while gender has no statistical significance in this study.

Conclusion: The provision of  support and welfare services need to be organized sequentially. It is recommended that early screening of those populations with proper  counseling, by visiting eye clinics could help to reduce the magnitude of visual impairment. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2756-6501
print ISSN: 2659-1464