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Shared Decision Making: Patient Perspective on Involvement in Healthcare at a Secondary Healthcare Facility in Kano State, Nigeria

Ladan Muhammad Awwal
Nuhu Khadijah Nasidi
Sangei A. Abdullahi


This study explores the background and significance of patient involvement in healthcare decision-making. Patient involvement and  empowerment have been recognized as crucial elements in improving health outcomes. However, despite its importance, patient  involvement in decision-making is often lacking in most clinical practice. This study aims to determine the perception of patients towards  involvement in their healthcare decision-making at a secondary healthcare facility in Kano State, Nigeria. A descriptive cross-sectional  survey was used to recruit 171 respondents. Study findings suggest about 56.7% of the respondents have been involved in  decision making related to their health and care treatment with a distribution of, 45.4% reported making decisions regularly, while 39.2%  made decisions sometimes, and 15.5% made decisions mostly. The findings from this study are expected to contribute to the    improvement of patient-centred care and inform health policy decisions.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2756-6501
print ISSN: 2659-1464