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Effect of Phyllanthius urinaria aqueous leaf extract against acyclovir-induced nephrotoxicity in Wistar rats

A.R.O. Ehimigbai
O.C. Odjugo


Background: Renal damage presents a significant health concern, commonly occurring due to exposure to toxic substances. Phyllanthius  urinaria, known for its medicinal benefits, demonstrates various pharmacological actions, including anti-oxidative and  antiinflammatory effects.

Aim: This research, investigates the protective properties of aqueous extract of Phyllanthius urinaria leaves against Acyclovir-induced  kidney toxicity in Wistar rats.

Methodology: Twenty-four (24) adult Wistar rats grouped into four groups were administered different treatment regimens involving  oral administration of Acyclovir, Phyllanthius urinaria, or a combination of both for thirty-one days.

Results: It revealed a rise in urea and creatinine levels in rats exposed to Acyclovir, indicating kidney injury. However, treatment with  Phyllanthius urinaria substantially reduced these levels, indicating a protective effect against Acyclovir-induced nephrotoxicity. Acyclovir  exposure resulted in diminished activity of antioxidant enzymes, whereas Phyllanthius urinaria treatment significantly enhanced  antioxidant levels. Histological analysis revealed signs of nephrotoxicity in Acyclovir-exposed rats, whereas those treated with  Phyllanthius urinaria exhibited preserved kidney structure. When the extract was given along with acyclovir, the extract was able to  protect the renal tissue from the toxic effect of the acyclovir.

Conclusion: The study concludes that Phyllanthius urinaria effectively  alleviates Acyclovir-induced nephrotoxicity. These results highlight the potential therapeutic application of Phyllanthius urinaria in  mitigating kidney damage associated with Acyclovir exposure.  

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2635-3792
print ISSN: 2545-5672