Author Guidelines
All manuscript submissions need to be made via the web-based online submission system, and
mail the pdf/word version of the manuscript at or or or
Before a manuscript is submitted, please review our Author Guidelines and ensure that the
submission complies with our policy requirements and guidelines.
Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet the aims and scope of BIRJSH will be reviewed.
The primary affiliation for each author should be the institution where the majority of their work
was done. If an author has subsequently moved, the current address may also be stated.
As part of the submission process you will be required to warrant that you are submitting your
original work, that you have the rights in the work, that you are submitting the work for first
publication in the Journal and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere and has
not already been published elsewhere, and that you have obtained and can supply all necessary
permissions for the reproduction of any copyright works not owned by you.
I. Manuscript Structure, Style, and Content Guidelines *
Authors are strongly encouraged to follow the principles of sound technical writing. Manuscripts
that do not meet acceptable English or Amharic standards or lack clarity may be rejected.
Templates for the BIRJSH are available here for Articles. We encourage authors to read the
manuscript preparation guidelines below and to consider how easy a manuscript is to read by
reviewers and editors.
Title: Title should be no more than 96 characters (including spaces).The title should be concise,
omitting terms that are implicit and, where possible, be a statement of the main result or
conclusion presented in the manuscript. Abbreviations should be avoided within the title.
Short Title: Should be no more than 40 characters (including spaces).
Authors and Affiliations: All names are listed together and separated by commas. Provide exact
and correct author names as these will be indexed in official archives. Affiliations should be
keyed to the author's name with superscript numbers.
Example: Anteneh Getachew1
1 Department of Mathematics, Debre Berhan University, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia.
Abstract. The journal requires the use of structured abstracts in manuscript
submissions. Whether structured or single-paragraph, as a primary goal, the abstract should
render the general significance and conceptual advance of the work clearly accessible to a broad
readership. In the abstract, minimize the use of abbreviations. Moreover, abstract should be self-
contained (i.e., do not cite references, figures or tables) and substantive in nature, presenting
concisely the objectives, methodology used, results obtained, and their significance.
Keywords: A list of up to six keywords (for example, optics, photonics, light, lasers, templates,
Text: We recommend authors to make the text single-spaced and contain page and line numbers
in order to facilitate the review process. The manuscript should be written using in Word.
Main body of the manuscript: The main body of the manuscript consists of numbered sections
(for example, Introduction, Main Result, etc) and subsections that present the main findings.
These sections should be organized to best present the material. The section headings should be
those appropriate for your field and the research itself.
It is often important to refer back (or forward) to specific sections. Such references are made by
indicating the section number, for example, “In Sec. 2 we showed...” or “Section 2.1 contained a
description....” If the word Section, Reference, Equation, or Figure starts a sentence, it is spelled
out. When occurring in the middle of a sentence, these words are abbreviated Sec., Ref., Eq., and
Page Setup and Font: Top, bottom, left, and right margins should be 1 inch. Line spacing
should be 1.5 and use Times New Roman font throughout the manuscript, in the sizes and styles
shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Recommended fonts and sizes.
Figures: Figures are numbered in the order in which they are called out in the text. A figure
caption list should be provided bellow the figure, see for example, Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.
Tables: Tables must be numbered in the order in which they are referred to in the text. They
should appear in the document in numerical order and as close as possible to their first reference
in the text. Table captions are handled identically to those for figures, except that they appear
above the table, and when called out in the text, the word “Table” is always spelled out. See
Table 1 for an example.
Citations: A citation is an acknowledgement in your text of references that support your
work. It is in the form of APA style and citations should be in alphabetical.
More contents (unnumbered sections)
Discussion or Conclusion: This section should give short discussion and conclusion of the
findings in the context of the research question initially posed and the authors’ hypothesis. The
discussion should also explore the broader implications and significance of the findings, as well
as specific recommendations for the direction of future research on the topic.
Disclosures: Conflicts of interest should be declared under a separate header, above Acknowledgments. If the authors have no competing interests to declare, then a statement should be included declaring no conflicts of interest.
Conflicts of interest should be declared under a “Disclosures” header. If the authors have no
relevant financial interests in the manuscript and no other potential conflicts of interest to
disclose, a statement to this effect should be included.
Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments and funding information should be added after the
conclusion, and before references. Include grant numbers and the full name of the funding body.
The acknowledgments section does not have a section number.
This unnumbered section is used to identify people who have aided the authors in accomplishing
the work presented and to acknowledge sources of funding.
Funding: Please state the sources of funding including grant number for each author.
Code, Data, and Materials Availability: Availability of code, data, and/or materials used in the
research results reported in the manuscript may be declared under the heading “Code, Data, and
Materials Availability,” following the Acknowledgments section. As relevant, provide specific
access information or restrictions (i.e., links to repository access addresses with guidance on
commercial or public access).
Reference List: The References section lists books, articles, and reports that are cited in the
paper. The references are numbered in the order they are cited. Examples of reference listing
styles are given here bellow.
When Listing published paper:
[1] Gebrie, A. G., & Wangkeeree, R. (2020). Parallel proximal method of solving split system of
fixed point set constraint minimization problems. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias
Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, 114(1), 13.
When Listing Book:
[2] Farazmand, A. (Ed.). (2023). Global encyclopedia of public administration, public policy,
and governance. Springer Nature.
When Listing Preprints:
[3] Smette, A., Heap, S. R., Williger, G. M., Tripp, T. M., Jenkins, E. B., & Songaila, A. (2000).
Hst/stis observations of the heii gunn-peterson effect towards the 2347-4342. arXiv preprint
Author Biographies and Photographs
Author biographies are encouraged, especially for primary and corresponding authors.
Biographies should be approximately 75 words or fewer. Biographies should be placed at the end
of the manuscript. Personal information such as hobbies or birthplace/birthdate should not be
Revised Version Submission
When authors submit articles to the journal, often, the best possible outcome they can expect is
that the editors will invite them to respond to the reviewers’ comments and resubmit the
manuscript after carefully considering the comments.
Useful steps to revise and resubmit the article and to successfully satisfy the editors and
reviewers are: first read the editor's letter, and if there is something unclear ask the editor or an
experienced colleague to explain; second, carefully read the reviews to extract the suggestions
for revision and list them in a special note; third, address and/or defend all the comments and
suggestions in accordingly.
Author(s) must be polite while defending or explaining their position. Reviewers' significant
changes proposals can occasionally demoralize the author(s). However, do not get discouraged
by a “revise and resubmit” decision from the journal. The fact that the editor has asked you to
make changes and resubmit your paper shows that he/she thinks that your paper has potential and
can be publish-worthy if the suggested changes are incorporated. The key is to take things slowly
and methodically respond to the reviewers' comments. For revised manuscripts authors should
provide all textual content in a single file, prepared using either Microsoft Word or LaTeX. For
manuscripts with amended articles, we do not accept PDF files.
Supplementary Information should be combined and supplied as a separate file, preferably in
PDF format. The first page of the Supplementary Information file should include the title of the
manuscript and the author list.
II. Overview of Publication Policies
a) Peer-review and Editorial policies
BIRJSH aims to provide all authors with an efficient and consistent editorial process. Submitted
manuscripts will be assigned to a member of the editorial team who is an expert in the field.
Before sending it for peer review, the editor together with the independent researcher(s) in the
relevant research area will first assess and determine whether the submitted manuscript is within
the scope of the journal, and then if it lies within the scope of the journal the originality, validity
and significance of the manuscript will be assessed.
Providing Potential Reviewer Names: Authors are encouraged to suggest at least 2 reviewers
along with their contact details (academic rank, working institution and email addresses) from
relevant and related field of study. At least one suggested reviewer should not be member of the
same research or academic institution as the authors. Whenever possible, suggest academic
email addresses rather than personal email addresses. The final decision on the choice of
reviewers rests with the editor without any obligation to contact any of the author-recommended
peer reviewers.
Manuscripts will be sent to two reviewers who will be asked to assess whether the manuscript is
technically and scientifically sound and coherent and the quality of the writing is acceptable. The
final editorial decision is made based on the recommendations of the reviewers, provided these
recommendations are in accord without any strong dissenting opinions. Where there are
dissenting or opposing views, the paper is assessed by a third reviewer who may or may not be a
member of the journal's Editorial Board. Once all reviews have been received and considered by
the editors, a final decision is made and a letter drafted to the corresponding author. Possible
final decisions include:
• Acceptance without revision
• Acceptance with minor revision
• Resubmission after major revision
• Declined
Where there are issues with the standard of presentation or clarity of language, the authors will
be informed accordingly and provided with suggestions or assistance for rectification.
Revisions: Revisions must be submitted within 30 days for manuscript decisions of Acceptance
with minor revision, and 90 days for decisions of Resubmission after major revision. Decision of
rejection or revision and resubmission request takes maximum of 180 days.
b) Ethics and consent
Any manuscript submitted to the journal must not be under consideration by any other journal or
already published in any journal or other citable form. Submission of a manuscript to BIRJSH
implies that all authors have read and agreed to its content and take responsibility for the
reported findings. Authors are expected to state that the study (where applicable) has been
conducted with approval of an appropriate ethics committee. Additionally, all research carried
out on humans must be in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration, and animal studies must
follow internationally recognized guidelines (for example, Basel Declaration). Research articles
involving human participants, human material, or human data, must be approved by an
appropriate ethics committee. A statement detailing this, including the name of the ethics
committee and the reference number where appropriate, must appear in all manuscripts reporting
such research.
III. Publication Process After Acceptance
When your accepted article is received by BIRJSH’s production team, you (corresponding
author) will receive email asking you to fill and sign the publication licensing and then send it
Once your paper is typeset you will receive an email notification of PDF and word/latex
document for proof reading. Please note that you are responsible for all statements made in your
work, including changes made during the editorial process and thus you must check your proofs
carefully. Note that proofs should be returned 48 hours from receipt of first proof.
IV. Post Publication
Access and sharing
When your article is published online:
You receive an email alert (if requested).
You can share a link to your published article through social media.
As the author, you will have free access to your paper (after accepting the Terms & Conditions
of use, you can view your article).
The corresponding author and co-authors can nominate colleagues to receive a publication alert
and free online access to your article.
* Detail Manuscript Structure, Style, and Content Guidelines available here.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated
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