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The preservative efficacies of bemul-wax coatings in combination with calcium chloride dip on low temperature stored Citrus O. sinensis
The treated fruits were assessed during four month low temperature storage (7.0 ± 3.0oC; 90-94% RH.) for their biochemical and sensory qualities. Fruits treated with bemul-wax and the combination manifested significantly reduced (p<0.05) physiological weight, delayed
ripening, and texture values. All the treated oranges showed significantly reduced titratable acidity. Combined treatment significantly reduced (p<0.05) ascorbic acid level, while the
combined and calcium chloride dip treatments reduced, and increased significantly (p<0.05) the density of the juice respectively. All treatments showed significantly increased (p<0.05) pH and -amylase activities but no effects on total sugar levels, pectin esterase activities,
taste and flavor of the juice. In conclusion, the combined and bemul-wax treatments preserved the nutritional, biochemical, and sensory qualities of the stored oranges for the four month storage period considered adequate to cover the orange off-season period in Nigeria as well as sufficient to export orange from Nigeria to other parts of the world.