Sponsoring Organizations
Biokemistri is published by the
Peer Review
All manuscripts are subjected to critical review by at least two reviewers who are also working on the subject of the manuscript. The Editor takes the final decision
Publication Scheduling
Published twice a year (June and December) and promptly too, this prestigious journal considers original and full results of research in all areas of biochemistry for peer review and publication.
Nigerian Society for Experimental Biology (NISEB)
The Nigerian Society for Experimental Biology (NISEB) is a multidisciplinary society with members in all areas of life sciences. Our members can be found spread around the country in tertiary institutions, hospitals, research institutions and private organizations as well as individuals. For more information, go to http://www.geocities.com/nisebnigeria/
We are interested in moving research and training forward in Nigeria through conferences, workshops and seminars. We are also interested in sourcing research and training grants for members to enhance their capabilities in their various areas of life sciences.
Paid-up members of the society are entitled to the following:
1. Free copies of NISEB Letters four times a year (March, June, September and December).
2. Reduced Registration Dues at Meetings and Conferences of the Society.
3. Discount on the purchases of journals and books published by the Society.
4. 20% discount on page charges for articles published in any of the journals of the Society.
5. Grants and sponsorship at learned conferences following a successful application.
Paid-up members are those who have paid all their dues from the year 2001 or from the year of first registration.
Publications of the Society include:
1. African Scientist (ISSN 1595-6881)
2. BIOKEMISTRI (ISSN 0795-8080)
3. Bioscience Research Communications (ISSN0795-8072)
4. NISEB Journal (ISSN 1595-6938)
5. NISEB Letters (ISSN 1595-692X) for quarterly news and commentaries
Contact nisebnigeria@yahoo.com for an Application Form now and send the printed copy to the National Secretariat together with your annual due for the current year (1000 Naira for full membership & 500 Naira for student membership in cash, cheque or bank draft in favour of the ‘Nigerian Society for Experimental Biology’). With NISEB, you can be anything you want to be in academics.