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Epidemiology of Breast Cancer among Women in Some Selected Hospitals in Zamfara State for the Year 2012-2021
Breast cancer is second cause of death in women and continue to be a threat globally, this study examined the epidemiology analysis of breast cancer in-patients in Zamfara State over 10 years period that spanned 2012 – 2021. The scope of the study covers three General hospitals in Zamfara State, Nigeria namely; Federal Medical Centre Gusau Zamfara State, General Hospital Gusau Zamfara State, and Yariman Bakura Specialist Hospital Gusau Zamfara State. Data was sourced basically through secondary means from breast cancer incidence registers in the three hospitals of the study for the period of 2012 to 2021. The findings of the study show that breast cancer is prevalence among the female gender. The results from the analysis also showed that the prevalence of the disease differs among different age groups while the age range 50 to 59 seems to have the highest prevalence. For the young persons under 30 years, it was found that the incidence was very low, but for the elderly persons the incidence was very high. its recommended that health education or sensitization should be given along with regular breast cancer screening to women, especially post-menopausal women, and early regular screening for women in reproductive age group will help in early diagnosis and prompt treatment.