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Influence of time of sowing and stand density of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill) varieties in maize (Zea mays L.) on the growth of component crops in Northern Guinea Savannah Agro- Ecological Zone of Nigeria
Field trials were conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Federal College of Education (Technical), Gusau local government area (LGA) on latitude 12º 9' 46.25" N and longitude 6º 40' 28.22" E and at an altitude of about 495.98 m above sea level (asl) and Gidan Dawa Yandoto Tsafe LGA on latitude 12º 57' 27.45" N and longitude 6º 55' 14.27" E and at an altitude of about 574.87 m asl, Zamfara State in the northern Guinea Savannah agro-ecological zone of Nigeria. The experiment consisted of two varieties of soybean (TGX 1448-2E and TGX1904), four (4) times of sowing soybean (soybean 14 days after maize, soybean 14 days before maize, soybean simultaneously with maize and soybean simultaneously with maize weedy check), three (3) soybean stand densities (one, two and three plants stand-1). The treatments were laid out in a split plot design with three replications. Time of sowing and stand density were allocated to the main plot while variety was assigned to the sub-plot. Data were collected on stand establishment count of maize and soybean, plant and ear height of maize, leaf area index of maize, canopy height, spread, and number of leaves of soybean. Data were analyzed using the procedure outlined for ANOVA and the means for the main effect of the three factors were separated using Duncan New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) and least significance difference (LSD) for the three factors interactions. The result showed a significant difference (P<0.05) among time of sowing on stand establishment count of maize, plant height and ear height of maize, leaf area index, stand establishment count of soybean at FCET, canopy height, spread, number of leaves. Also on stand density there was significant difference on
canopy height, spread, and number of leaves of soybean. The results also showed significant (P<0.05) differences among time × variety interactions on canopy height of soybean at 8 WAS at Gidan Dawa, time × density interactions on ear height of maize at Gidan Dawa, number of leaves at 8 and 12 WAS at Gidan Dawa and at FCET respectively, time × density × variety interactions on stand establishment count of maize at FCET, number of leaves of soybean at 8 WAS at Gidan Dawa. Therefore, it can be concluded that for growth improvement of maize farmers in the study area can adopt sowing maize 14 days before Soybean irrespective of soybean variety and its stand density.