Focus And Scope Of The Journal
Biological and Environmental Science for the Tropic is an international peer review journal that welcomes original research note, short communications and review articles. Submitted papers should contain results from original researches that are not being considered for publication elsewhere or previously published. The Journal’s scope is interdisciplinary in nature and covers any aspects related to issues on life and environmental sciences especially from the field of Plant and Animal sciences, Biochemistry, Biosecurity, Microbiology, Pharmaceuticals sciences, Taxonomy, Biodiversity and Evolution, Forestry, Food science, Limnology, Pathology, Genetics, Ecology, Biotechnology, Postharvest, Weed science, Agriculture, Bioremediation, Soil science, Zoology and other life science related fields.

Peer Review Process
BEST Journal practice double-blind peer review system to ensure and maintain good quality of publication. If manuscript is found to be of suitable quality and meets the aims and scope of the journal, it will then be sent to at least two reviewers. Peer review process normally takes from 10 to 12 weeks. However, in some cases it may take less or more than 12 weeks.

All manuscripts submitted to BEST Journal are checked for plagiarisms to ensure originality of the work. An article plagiarized more than 20%, observed by editorial or peer reviewers at any stage of publication process would be turned down and authors are notified.

For Submission
Send manuscript to 
All submitted manuscripts should be accompanied with payment receipt of processing charges.


Manuscript must be prepared in Microsoft word and typed using Times New Roman font 12, portrait, double spaced throughout leaving 1" wide margin on both sides in A4 paper size. Review Papers will be considered in any format appropriate to the purposes of the authors, although adherence to the general guidelines is encouraged. 

Manuscript should be clearly and concisely written in English (British or American but not mixed) and organized in the following order:

  1. Title
  2. Authors full names and addresses
  3. Abstract (should not exceed 250 words)
  4. Keywords (should not exceed 6)
  5. Introduction 
  6. Materials and methods
  7. Result or (result and discussion)
  8. Discussion 
  9. Conclusion and recommendation
  10. References (should be arranged alphabetically following the Harvard system of referencing. 


Citation from a journal
Kawo, A. H., Mukhtar and Abdullahi, B. A. (2014): The Microbiology of the polluted water of Salanta River, Kano, Nigeria. African Journal of Natural Sciences, 6: 72 - 74

Citation from a Book
Mustapha, Y. (2014): An Easy approach to igneous petrology. University of Abuja Press. Nigeria. Pp 20 – 30

Citation from an Edited Book
Abdullahi, I. L. (2016): The application of trace elements data to problems of petrology In: I. L. Hussain, S. K. Mohammed and D. Usman (eds). Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Pergamon, Oxford. PP 133 214.

Citation from unpublished work
Bassey, S. E. (2017): A gravity study of the Lithospheric structure beneath the West African Rift Valley System in Nigeria and Cameroon. PhD thesis. Department of Soil Science, University of Leeds, England. 132 pp.

Figures and Tables caption should be in standard format and must be inserted appropriately in the text. BEST journal publish articles quarterly per annum i.e April, August and December.

Article processing charges
An assessment fee of Five thousand Naira (N5,000=) or ten dollars ($10) per manuscript should be paid and payment receipt accompany submitted article. 
New submission from 8th January 2023 onward every manuscript is charged fifteen thousand naira (N15,000) or twenty five USD ($25) per article after acceptance. No refund is possible once the fee has been paid.

Account name: Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal for the Tropics
Acct. Number: 0212035554 (GT Bank). 
Sort code: 058 - 123065
Kano State, Nigeria

For further inquiries contact the Editorial manager:
Dr. Hassan Ahmed    

Faculty of Life Sciences
Bayero University, Kano
Old Campus, Kabuga,

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2645-3142
print ISSN: 0794-9057