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Legislative Framework for Judicial Protection of Consumers in Ethiopia: The Case of the Amhara National Regional State.

Yosef Workelule Tewabe


Judicial protection plays a critical role in safeguarding the fundamental rights of citizens. This protection encompasses both substantive and procedural elements. The substantive aspect involves the recognition of a right to judicial protection in laws and the provision of remedies for individuals whose rights have been violated. On the other hand, the procedural aspect focuses on establishing efficient pathways for individuals to access and benefit from these remedies. This article delves into a comprehensive analysis of the state of consumers' judicial protection arrangements in Ethiopia, specifically examining the substantive aspect. Through a doctrinal research approach, the author evaluates relevant legal provisions, including the FDRE constitution and civil code, to identify shortcomings in the existing framework. The review reveals deficiencies in the explicit recognition of consumers' right to judicial protection and the inadequacy of rules governing this area. Recommendations are then offered to address these shortcomings, advocating for structural changes and transformation measures within the current framework. This approach aims to enhance consumers' access to judicial protection without necessitating new legislation.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2709-5827
print ISSN: 2306-224X