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The effects of interactive writing instructional method on the Amharic writing skills of students with hearing impairment

Etagegne Gedefaw Getahun
Getachew Endalamaw Asefaw


This study aimed to explore the impact of the interactive writing instructional method on the Amharic writing skills of grade seven students with hearing impairment. A single-group experimental design was employed, involving seven participants selected using the comprehensive sampling technique due to the small study group size. The school was also selected purposefully. Data were collected through pretest and posttest methods, which were analyzed using a paired sample t-test. The results showed a significant improvement in students' writing skills, with a mean score increase from 34.10 in the pretest to 62.07 in the posttest, representing a notable 32.36-point average score difference between the two tests. Furthermore, the analysis revealed a statistically significant difference in writing skills between the pre-and post-intervention results. The results of the study suggest that the interactive writing instructional method has a positive effect on improving Amharic writing skills among students with hearing impairment.

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