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Bahir Dar Journal of Education aims to advance knowledge through theoretical and empirical studies in various areas of education. The journal aims to promote the exchange of knowledge and ideas among scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the field of education. It seeks to broaden understanding of the processes that advance issues related to education from the educational perspective.

The journal publishes scientific and scholarly work that adds to knowledge incrementally and cumulatively. Bahir Dar Journal of Education publishes articles that advance the empirical, theoretical, and methodological understanding of education and learning. It also encourages submissions across all levels of education. 

The journal is devoted to the multi-disciplinary study of educational issues and practices and educational problems of Ethiopia and beyond. The publication covers wide areas of the educational process and it welcomes the submission of empirical studies, reviews, reflections, editorials, letters to editors, and short communications on issues pertaining to education from all corners of the world and at all levels of education.



Authors are required to use the standard format of BJE and pass through and apply the following author guidelines.  


General Information

  • Manuscripts will be considered for publication on the understanding that they have not been previously published and are not simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere.
  • BJE publishes only original research and investigations. This does not refer to papers presented orally at symposia or other proceedings.
  • The Editorial Board reserves the right of final acceptance, rejection, and editorial correction of papers submitted.
  • Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work including changes made by the copy editor.
  • Priority and time of publication are governed by the Editorial Board’s decision.


Style and Format for Contributors

Authors should adhere to the following style and format guidelines before submitting their manuscripts for publication:


Title Page:

  • Include a concise and informative title for the article, avoiding abbreviations and formulas.
  • Provide the name(s) of the author(s).
  • Indicate the title(s), academic rank(s), and affiliations of the author(s) with an asterisk.
  • Include the complete address of the author (institution, postal address, telephone, email) for correspondence.
  • Note any relevant information regarding the presentation of the paper at a meeting or if it is part of a series of studies at the end of the manuscript.


Degree of Author Contribution:

  • Authors should declare their individual contributions to the research.
  • If the names are listed in alphabetical order, equal contribution is presumed.
  • Otherwise, the degree of contribution is determined by the order in which the names appear, unless indicated by the authors.
  • The author whose name appears first will be the primary contact for correspondence unless otherwise specified. Provide complete contact details.


Length of Article:

  • Include an abstract of a maximum length of 150 words, highlighting the purpose of the research, methods and design, principal results, and major conclusions.
  • Provide a maximum of 6 keywords immediately after the abstract.
  • Use typewritten font 12 Times New Roman with double spacing on one side of A4 paper and normal margins.
  • Limit the article to a maximum of 10,000 words.
  • Number all pages and organize the article into clearly defined and numbered sections.
  • Follow the recent APA format for high-quality computer graphics submitted as figures and tables.
  • Avoid redundancy by not excessively describing the data in the text.
  • When using artwork and other graphics, provide proper descriptions and information about the creator, date created, title of the work, place of publication, publisher, and type of material.


Citation and References:

  • Follow the latest APA citation and referencing style. For more information, visit
  • Ensure that all references cited in the text are properly indicated in the reference list section and vice versa.
  • Avoid citing sources in the abstract.
  • Indicate "in press" for accepted publications.


Language and Spelling Rules:

  • The manuscript must be in English, either American or British English, but not a mixture.
  • Avoid sexist, racist, and biased language with respect to gender, racial and ethnic identity, disabilities, and age.


Responsibility for Views:

The author retains responsibility for all statements made in the article and they should not be considered as reflecting the opinions of the journal's editors or the publisher.


Sponsoring Information:

If the research is sponsored or supported by an organization, provide a brief statement describing the details.



The complete title of the article and the name of the author(s) should be typed only on the first sheet to ensure anonymity in the review process. Information in text or references that would identify the author should be deleted from the manuscript (e.g., text citations of “my previous work,” especially when accompanied by a self-citation, a preponderance of the author’s own work in the reference list). These may be reinserted in the final draft. However, authors may be asked to provide funding information separately during submission.

Moreover, the authors have the responsibility of ensuring only new and original work is submitted and should not reproduce work that has been previously published in other journals. Similarly, they should not submit any articles that are being reviewed or considered by other journals simultaneously. However, they are only allowed to publish their work elsewhere after receiving a formal rejection from the journal or if their request to withdraw their work is officially accepted by the journal.



BJE follows a Double-blind Peer Review process.  A full double-blind refereeing process is used that comprises the following steps.

  1. The paper is sent to 3 reviewers for review.
  2. The reviewers' recommendations determine whether the paper will be accepted/accepted subject to change/subject to re-submission with significant changes/rejection.
  3. For papers that require changes, the editorial team will ensure that the comments by the reviewers are duly considered.
  4. If the paper is accepted by the reviewers, the author(s) will be immediately notified.
  5. The author/corresponding author will be notified about the possible date of publication
  6. Upon publication of the article, the PDF document of the manuscript will be sent to the authors.


The review process takes a maximum of three months. In general, the following steps shall be followed for submission

  1. Manuscripts are first submitted to the editors of BJE.
  2. Manuscripts are registered and will be given serial numbers.
  3. Authors receive notification of receipt of articles.
  4. Manuscripts are presented to the Editorial Board for preliminary assessment and assessment of the relevance of the theme. The Board will screen the manuscripts and decide for possible consideration in the BJE publication.
  5. In accordance with the Board’s decision, manuscripts will be sent to three anonymous reviewers who have a thorough understanding of the theme/topic and specialize in the area covered in the article. In the meantime, contributor/s will be asked to send a filled and signed copyright form that the article is their own and original.
  6. After reviewed manuscripts are received the Editorial Board reviews the referees’ comments and decides on the status of the manuscript.
  7. The decision of the Editorial Board will be communicated to the respective authors through the Editor-in-chief
  8. Shall the Editorial Board decide the manuscripts are not of an acceptable standard for BJE publication, the corresponding authors will be informed about the status of their articles, and rejected manuscripts will be sent back. If the manuscript meets the required standard, the author is further requested to revise the manuscript according to the comments suggested.
  9. After revision, the author will send back the manuscripts to the editor-in-chief.
  10. The Editorial Board will reevaluate the revised manuscripts as to whether the revisions made were in accordance with the referees’ comments. Then, the Board will give its final decision on the publication of the manuscripts.
  11. Respective Authors will be notified of the decision of the Board through the Editor-in-Chief.
  12. Authors whose revised manuscripts were finally accepted will be notified when their manuscripts are to be published, including the volume and the Journal Number.
  13. Authors will be requested to make a final proofread before the manuscripts are sent to printing


Note: Authors interested in submitting manuscripts to BJE are required to create or connect their ORCID IDs.  For more information about ORCID, click the following link. What is ORCID?



Bahir Dar Journal of Education follows a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism. Authors should always make sure that their submitted manuscripts are original and free from any form of plagiarism. Before proceeding to the editorial process of any submitted manuscript, the journal editors will check the originality of the manuscript using anti-plagiarism software. The manuscript will be automatically rejected if it is found to be plagiarized material.


Bahir Dar Journal of Education is an open-access journal. Hence, no APC is required to publish in the journal.



Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2415-0452
print ISSN: 1816-336X
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