Biological and Biomedical Journal <p>Biological and Biomedical Journal (Biol. Biomed. J.), a publication of the Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (ESBBS), is a peer-reviewed online journal published semi-annual. The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive a final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository. <br /><br /><strong>Aims and Scope</strong><br />The aim of the Biol. Biomed. J. is to accept the potential scientific research in biological and biomedical fields including all branches of their sciences, at the level of molecular, cellular, organ, and whole body. This is to provide the scientific communities (Researchers) at national and international levels with recent and updated scientific research in relation to biological and biomedical fields. Different related sciences included: Medical and Animal Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genomics, Genetics, Cell Biology, Bioinformatics, Toxicology, Developmental Biology, Medical Entomology, Medical Parasitology, Applied and Medical Microbiology, Biotechnology, Neurosciences, Hematology, Immunology, Cancer Biology, Pharmaceutics, Ethnopharmacology, Pathology, Taxonomy, Environmental Biology, Public, Environmental and Occupational Health, Veterinary Sciences, Tropical Medicine, Vertebrate and Invertebrate Morphology, Food Science and Technology, Integrative and Complementary Medicine. Additionally, the journal considers research on health and clinical studies.</p> <p>You can see this journal's website <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p> Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) / the Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences en-US Biological and Biomedical Journal 2974-4334 Therapeutic, chemo-sensitizing, protective effects of natural products against cancerous cells: Preclinical and clinical studies <p>There are times when it is challenging to stop chemotherapy side effects from happening when the patient is receiving treatment.&nbsp; Nowadays, the treatment with chemotherapy combinations is frequently utilized to treat different forms of cancer. The key benefit of&nbsp; utilizing numerous medications was thought to be the ability to lower dosages, which may result in decrease resistance and the&nbsp; maintenance of the same efficacy or, with a higher efficacy, or a synergistic impact. It has been suggested that pharmacological&nbsp; combinations consisting of natural products (NPs) and dietary supplements can have benefits comparable to those of traditional chemotherapy treatments, but with fewer side effects. Pre-clinical and clinical studies were carried out to evaluate how NPs worked&nbsp; against malignant cells. Thus, the optimal balance between potential side effects and anticancer activity is desperately needed. The&nbsp; therapeutic, chemosensitizing, and protective activities of NPs against malignant cells are covered in this review.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Karim S. El-Said Seham M. El-Feki Copyright (c) 2024 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 2 2 1 12 Circulating DiGeorge syndrome critical region (5) as a tumor suppressor gene in hepatocellular carcinoma <p>Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) was reported to have down-regulated DiGeorge syndrome critical region (5) (DGCR5). In HCC, it may&nbsp; function as a tumor-suppressive gene. To study DGCR5 relative expression level in HCC, a hundred and sixty participants were involved in&nbsp; this study. They were split up into two categories: Group I consisted of 70 patients with HCC identified by imaging (dynamic MRI or&nbsp; triphasic CT) or biopsy; Group II consisted of 90 healthy individuals acting as the control group. A complete history, a general clinical&nbsp; examination, the analysis of clinic pathological data for patients with HCC, and laboratory investigations were performed on all patients&nbsp; and controls. These procedures included the following: 1- Liver function tests, such as alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), aspartate and alanine transaminases (AST and ALT), total bilirubin and serum albumin, detection of HBsAg and HCV Ab. 2- Serum Creatinine. 3- Using real-time&nbsp; PCR, quantify the relative expression levels of (DGCR5). Serum creatinine, albumin, ALT, AST, and AFP levels were considerably higher in&nbsp; HCC patients than in controls, and DGCR5 relative expression level was down regulated. With total bilirubin, serum albumin, AST, and AFP,&nbsp; there was a statistically significant decline in the relative expression level of DGCR5 with TNM staging.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: DGCR5 acts as a&nbsp; tumor suppressor gene in HCC.&nbsp;</p> Asmaa M. El-banna Ghada E. Hamoda Sally M. El-hefnawy Alshimaa M. Alhanafy Copyright (c) 2024 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 2 2 13 20 Effect of <i>Eremina desertorum</i> eggs on hepato-renal toxicity induced by cisplatin drug <p>Cisplatin (Cis) is a chemotherapeutic drug that has been used in the treatment of various types of cancers. However, the drug showed&nbsp; various toxic side effects on vital organs. This study aims to investigate the hepato-renal protective effect of Eremnia desertorum eggs&nbsp; powder (EDEP) in Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) bearing mice treated with Cis. Five groups of female Swiss albino mice were allotted as&nbsp; follows: Group (Gp1) served as a negative control, Gp2-Gp5 had inoculated intraperitoneally (i.p) with 1×10<sup>6</sup> EAC cells/mouse. Then, Gp2&nbsp; was left without treatment as a positive control (EAC-bearing mice). After 24 hours, Gp3, and Gp4 had injected i.p. with Cis (2 mg/kg)&nbsp; EDEP (500 mg/kg) daily for 7 consecutive days, respectively. Gp5 was injected with a combination of Cis/EDEP as in Gp3 and Gp4. All&nbsp; treated groups were sacrificed at day 12, and the percentage of the body weight changes (%b.wt), tumor indices, haematological and&nbsp; biochemical parameters, and antioxidant /oxidant biomarkers as well as histological alterations of liver and kidney tissues were&nbsp; investigated. The results showed that the % b.wt changes were increased in EAC-bearing mice and EAC-bearing mice that were treated&nbsp; with EDEP. While, the treatment of EAC-bearing mice with Cis decreased the % b.wt changes. The treatment of EAC-bearing mice with a combination of Cis/EDEP led to an improvement in AST, ALT, urea, creatinine, antioxidant enzyme activities, and ameliorated the&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; histopathological toxicities in the liver and kidneys in EAC-bearing mice.</p> Sabry A. El- Naggar Mohamed A. Basyouny Ahmed M. El-Bossery Mona M. Elwan Rahma M. Adam Copyright (c) 2024 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 2 2 21 33 Anti-microbial and cytotoxic activities of green and ripe banana peels <p>Banana peels (BPs) have an excellent nutrient content due to presence of many bioactive compounds. However, an enormous amount of&nbsp; them is wasted daily, leading to environmental pollution. This study aimed to evaluate the anti-microbial and in vitro cytotoxic activities of&nbsp; green and ripe peel extracts (GPE and RPE, respectively) of banana. Total phenolic (TPC), total flavonoid (TFC), saponin contents, DPPH,&nbsp; and total antioxidant capacity (TAC), total protein (T.P), lipid (T.L), carbohydrate (T.C), were detected in GPE and RPE. Gas- chromatography mass spectrophotometry (GC-MS) analysis was determined in BPs extracts. Anti-fungal, antibacterial and cytotoxic&nbsp; activities were determined. The results showed that the TPC, TFC, saponin, T.P, T.L T.C and TAC contents in GPE were much higher than&nbsp; those in RPE. According to the results, only hexadecanoic acid was found in both extracts. Both GPE and RPE did not show anti-fungal activity, however, the GPE showed superior anti-bacterial and cytotoxic activities than RPE. Overall, the GPE had higher potential anti- microbial and cytotoxic effects than RPE.&nbsp;</p> Amal M. Kawila Ahmed F. Hasan Haneen M. Hameed Hadeer M. Atia Copyright (c) 2024 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 2 2 34 42 Antitumor efficacy of atorvastatin in lung cancer mice model <p>One of the most prevalent cancers in the world is lung cancer. Various factors, multiple inherited, and acquired mechanisms contribute to&nbsp; lung carcinogenesis. The cholesterol-lowering medication atorvastatin (ATOR) has been demonstrated to have additional intriguing&nbsp; biological uses, such as anticancer effects. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of ATOR treatment against lung cancer in mice model.&nbsp; Forty-five male CD-1 mice were divided into 3 groups (n = 15) as the follows: Group 1 (G1) was used as a normal control. Gps 2 and 3 were&nbsp; administered with urethane (Ure) (1mg/g) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) (200 mg/kg) for lung cancer initiation and&nbsp; promotion, respectively. G2 was left as a cancer-bearing group. G3 was post-treated with 10 mg/kg ATOR. The results showed that the&nbsp; treatment of Ure/BHT-administered mice with ATOR led to a significant decreased in the tumour incidences, multiplicities, and sizes as&nbsp; compared with each treatment alone. Further, the treatment with ATOR has significantly induced apoptosis in lung tumour cells without&nbsp; adverse side effects.</p> Karim S. El-Said Merna S. Attia Elsayed I. Salim Copyright (c) 2024 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 2 2 43 49 <i>In vitro </i>antitumor efficacy of atorvastatin against acute monocytic leukemia cells <p>Chemotherapy is a potential setting for the treatment of acute monocytic leukaemia (AML). It has recently been demonstrated that&nbsp; statins (hydroxymethyl glutaryl CoA reductase inhibitors) are involved in some antitumor pathways against tumour cells to overcome&nbsp; side effects and increase the efficacy of chemotherapy. The present study was designed to address the molecular and biochemical effects&nbsp; of atorvastatin (ATOR) therapy against the human leukaemia monocytic THP-1 cell line. By in vitro studies, MTT assay was&nbsp; performed to determine the IC<sub>50</sub> levels of ATOR against the THP-1 cell line. Also, apoptosis and cell cycle were determined after exposure&nbsp; of THP-1 cells to an IC<sub>50</sub> dose of ATOR versus the non-treated THP-1 cells. Flow cytometry analysis showed apoptotic-inducing&nbsp; capacity and arrested the cell cycle in the G2/M phase after the treatment with ATOR. In conclusion, ATOR increases the percentages of&nbsp; apoptotic leukemic THP-1 cells and arrested their cell cycle.&nbsp;</p> Karim S. El-Said Bassant E. Abdelmoaty Elsayed I. Salim Copyright (c) 2024 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 2 2 50 55 Psychiatric disorders: diagnosis and treatment using Artificial Intelligence techniques <p>The surge in artificial intelligence (AI) applications within psychiatric research and diagnosis has witnessed significant growth in recent&nbsp; years. This study investigates the use of AI to facilitate early medical condition diagnosis and enhance our understanding of disease&nbsp; progression, particularly in the realm of psychiatric disorders. The primary objective is to explore and employ various AI algorithms for&nbsp; the identification of biomarkers associated with psychiatric conditions. Data and methods involve the application of diverse algorithms&nbsp; for classifying psychiatric disorders, with a meticulous comparison of their accuracy. Additionally, a model is developed based on these&nbsp; algorithms, aiming to optimize diagnostic precision. Results indicate a notable 70% accuracy in the dataset, highlighting the efficacy of&nbsp; deep learning approaches in handling extensive data sets. The findings underscore the potential of deep learning in clinical datasets and&nbsp; its application in the future detection of mental health issues. Despite the commendable performance of deep learning, criticisms persist&nbsp; regarding its accountability during development and assessment phases. While AI has made significant strides in detecting psychiatric&nbsp; diseases, this study identifies areas for improvement in AI-based applications. Notably, the current model's limited generalizability due to&nbsp; its analysis of homogeneous datasets prompts the consideration of future approaches, including migration learning, multi-view&nbsp; learning, and ensemble learning, to handle diverse and extensive psychiatric disease data sets.&nbsp;</p> Seed Awad M. Atya Mohamed O. Abd Elfatah Shaymaa S. Kater Copyright (c) 2024 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 2 2 56 66 High temperature decreases the vitamin C bioavailability in five fruits juice collected from Tripoli, Libya <p>Citrus juices have long been considered a good source of vitamin C (Vit- C). The amount of Vit- C content of five fresh fruits, mango&nbsp; (<em>Mangifera indica)</em>, guava (<em>Psidium guajava)</em>, pineapple (<em>Ananas comosus</em>), orange (<em>Citrus sinensis</em>), and lime (<em>Citrus aurantifolia</em>) was&nbsp; determined under different high temperature conditions. These juices were extracted, and the Vit- C content was analyzed at room&nbsp; temperature (R.T) (25°C), 35, 45, 55, 65, and 75°C for different periods of 10, 15 and 20 minutes. by the iodometric titration method. The&nbsp; highest Vit- C content was observed in <em>C. sinensis</em>, whereas M. indica showed the lowest level at R.T. The results showed that the Vit- C&nbsp; content decreased after boiling. The rate at which Vit- C was decreased depends on the increase in temperature and the time of&nbsp; exposure. High temperature degree created conditions for the high degradation of Vit- C content. The present analysis verified that Vit- C&nbsp; is an unstable compound at higher temperatures.&nbsp;</p> Mansor S. Bofars Copyright (c) 2025 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 2 67 72 Examination of heavy metals contamination in drain, farm water and Nile tilapia (<i>Oreochromis nilotius</i>) in EL-Fayoum Government, Egypt and use some methods for treatment <p>This study was carried out at three different farms in EL-Fayoum Government and at&nbsp; three different drainages poured into it. The study included determination of some&nbsp; physical and chemical parameters of water and detection of five heavy metals (Zn,&nbsp; Cd, Pb, Fe and Cu) in Farm and drains water. The accumulation of these heavy&nbsp; metals in different fish organs (Gills, Skin, Muscles and Liver) in fish from different&nbsp; farms and fish from different drains, plant, sediment and diet also measured. The&nbsp; results showed that, Iron more accumulated than other in all three different drains&nbsp; and farms under study except accumulated of these heavy metals in Nile Tilipia fish&nbsp; blood results showed Zinc more accumulated than other. Water treatment by using low adsorbant (Eggplant and Pumpkin) to removal these heavy metals detected&nbsp; that, Pumpkin was good for treating Zn and Pb the maximum removal for Zn was&nbsp; 65% and for Pb the value was 50%. While Eggplant was good for treating Fe, Cd and&nbsp; Cu with maximum values (88%,78% and 77% respectively). Also the study included&nbsp; investigation of some biochemical blood parameters such as Urea, Creatinine, RBS,&nbsp; and T3,T4,TSH,GH and Cortisol hormones that showed a significant increase of levels&nbsp; Mean value ± S.D of RBS, a significant decrease of levels Mean value ± S.D of&nbsp; creatinine addition a significant increase of levels Mean value ± S.D of cortisol ,GH&nbsp; and T3 in both Locanda and EL-Bats farms when compared with EL Galini farm.&nbsp;</p> Ghada Taha Taha Hala Elshahat Ghannam Copyright (c) 2025 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 2 73 85 Effect of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate on the growth of sulfate -reducing bacteria isolated from water associated with oil production in the North Rumaila field, Basra Governorate – Iraq <p>The current study included a study of the effect of chemical compounds as biocides on the effectiveness of sulfate -reducing bacteria that&nbsp; cause oil acidity in reservoirs. Samples of injection water used in extracting crude oil from the North Ramliyah oil wells were&nbsp; collected, and the number of bacteria present in that water was calculated. The effectiveness of Sodium Dodesyl Sulphate (SDS) on&nbsp; dormant bacteria by preparing active cultures and on wandering bacteria was used by placing wrought iron samples in active cultures for&nbsp; a week to form biofilms. The results showed a clear effectiveness of SDS on the growth of bacteria. The inhibitory concentration&nbsp; reached 30 parts per million (ppm) towards bacteria floating in the medium, while the inhibitory concentration reached 100 ppm&nbsp; Mtowards bacteria sheltered in the biological membrane.&nbsp;</p> Asaad F. Hamzah Wijdan H. Al-Tamimi Ahmed Abd-burghali Copyright (c) 2025 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 2 86 91 Efficacy of phytoremediation in improving indoor air quality in homes in Alexandria, Egypt <p>Home can be a source of various air pollutants due to different activities such as cooking and smoking. The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of phytoremediation in improving indoor air quality in homes in Alexandria, Egypt. This is an intervention study was conducted on 21 homes: 7 households from each zone (west, east and middle of Alexandria). Types of plants used during the course of&nbsp; the study included, <em>Nephrolepis exaltata, Dracaena marginata, </em><em>Spathiphyllum wallisii, Dypsis lutescens, Latania Livistona, </em><em>Epipremnum aureum</em>.&nbsp; The plants were obtained from Burj Al - Arab and Montazah palace nursery, in Alexandria. Plants were placed and maintained in&nbsp; the living rooms of the apartments under study as one plant for each 12 m<sup>2 </sup>. NPK fertilizer was used to keep the plants in a good healthy&nbsp; condition. The removal efficiency of N. exaltata, <em>D. </em><em>marginata</em>, <em>S. wallisii</em> ranged between (45.4 - 51%) &amp; (36.2 - 42.7%) for CO<sub>2</sub> and VOCs,&nbsp; respectively. While the removing efficiency of D. lutescens and L. Livistona ranged between (40.9 - 41.8%) &amp; (46 - 47.8%) for CO<sub>2</sub> and VOCs&nbsp; respectively. Also, the removing efficiency of E. aurums has ranged between (35.6 - 38.6%) &amp; (32 - 34.3%) for CO<sub>2</sub> and VOCs,&nbsp; respectively. The presence of elevated VOCs indicates strong contaminating source in the building. VEF of about 1 indicates that the bio&nbsp; effluent emissions prevail, while; VEF &gt; 5 indicates the existence of strong abiotic VOCs sources, and finally; VEF &lt; 0.3 indicates the&nbsp; existence of large combustion source of CO<sub>2</sub>.&nbsp;</p> Fadia A. Elmarakby Mohamed Gamal M. Eltorky Aml M. Zaki Copyright (c) 2025 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 2 92 102 Detection and effects of heavy metals in fish blood, water, sediment, food, and plants of different three farms in EL-Fayoum Governorate, Egypt <p>The heavy metal contamination of Nile tilapia that were gathered from three fish farms is the focus of this investigation. This led to an&nbsp; investigation of the chemical and physical characteristics of farm water. Heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Pb, Fe, and Cu) were also measured in fish&nbsp; blood, water, sediment, food, and plants that were taken from the farms that were the subject of the investigation. The three farms, EL- Galini, EL-Locanda, and EL-Bats, had pH values of 7.95, 8.03, and 8.06, respectively, and dissolved oxygen values of 5.9, 7.2, and 6.0 (mg/l). In all three farms, the relative variation of heavy metal values in water was Fe&gt;Zn&gt;Cu&gt;Pb&gt;Cd. EL Galini farm had the highest result for&nbsp; sediment among all the heavy metals studied, followed by EL-Bats farm and Locanda farm; however, fordiet locanda farm recorded&nbsp; highest value for all the examined heavy metals followed by El-Bats then El Gilani farm.</p> Ghada Taha Taha Hala Elshahat Ghannam Copyright (c) 2025 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 2 103 114 The impact of kerosene and naphtha fumes inhalation on lung tissue in rats <p>This study aimed to evaluate the effects of inhaling kerosene and naphtha vapors on rats' respiratory systems. It included 30 male rats, divided into two separate groups; in the first group, rats were exposed to Kerosene vapors for 6 hours each day for 30 and 45 days. In the second group, rats were exposed to naphtha vapor for 6 hours each day, with differing durations of either 30 or 35 days. An investigation of lung tissues collected from male rats exposed to kerosene vapors for 30 days revealed vascular congestion, bleeding, and thickening of the walls separating the air sacs. Rats exposed to kerosene fumes for 45 days exhibited bleeding between pulmonary tissue and a modification of the typical structure of the alveoli. Lung histology in male rats exposed to 30 days of naphtha fumes showed interalveolar septal thickening and congestion within the lung tissue's blood vessels. Lung histopathology from male rats who inhaled naphtha vapors&nbsp; for 45 days revealed alveolar breakdown and bleeding in the lung tissues. This study concluded that inhaling kerosene and&nbsp; naphtha fumes alters the lung's histological structure and negatively influences the respiratory system.&nbsp; </p> Zaid M. AL-Hakkak Shaimaa Ali Jasim Aya Ammar Kadum Copyright (c) 2025 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 2 115 121 The role of testicular sperm in individuals with high sperm DNA fragmentation index who had previously failed intracytoplasmic sperm injection <p>The aim of this study is to investigate the results of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in patients with previous failure and suffering&nbsp; from high sperm DNA fragmentation index (SDF) when using testicular spermatozoa instead of ejaculate spermatozoa. This study&nbsp; involved 107 patients, all of them were with SDF &gt;22% and previous ejaculate ICSI failure. This study examines the embryonic factors&nbsp; (fertilization, cleavage, and blastocyst formation) that resulted from ICSI using testicular and ejaculate sperms. In cases with high SDF&nbsp; that were detected using sperm chromatin dispersion assay (SCD assay) in ICSI program, testicular sperms extraction fine needle aspiration technique (FNA group) was used instead of ejaculate sperms (ejaculate group). There was no significance difference between&nbsp; FNA and ejaculate groups in oocyte fertilization rate and embryo cleavage rate (P &lt; 0.005) while blastocysts formation rate was higher&nbsp; significance in FNA group than ejaculate group (P &gt; 0.001), while pregnancy rate was 69.16 % positive, and 30.84 % negative, and&nbsp; implantation rate was 30%. Average of embryo transferred by cycle 2±1 /cycle and resulted in 91 live birth in healthy twins or singlet&nbsp; babies, abortion rate was 10%. In conclusion, this study suggested that improved ICSI outcomes for men with increased SDF were&nbsp; associated with the utilization of a testicular sperm obtained by FNA method.&nbsp;</p> Osama M. Badr Taymour M. Khalifa El Rahman A. Gebriel Copyright (c) 2025 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 2 122 131 Optimizing the therapeutic dose of <i>Leiurus quinquestratus</i> scorpion venom in type-2 diabetic mellitus rats <p>Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common chronic disease. Recently, Leiurus quinquestratus venom (LQV) showed anti-diabetic effect against&nbsp; type-2 DM (T2-DM). This study aimed to optimize the therapeutic dose LQV in T2-DM rats. Forty-eight male rats were divided into eight&nbsp; groups (n=6) as follows; group 1 (Gp1) was served as a control. From Gp2 to Gp8, rats were fed in high fat diets (HFD), and then injected&nbsp; with a single dose of streptozotocin (30 mg/kg b.wt). Then, Gp2 was left as untreated T2-DM, while groups from Gp3 to Gp8 were treated&nbsp; with metformin (Met) (150 mg/kg b.wt), or with different doses of LQV (1/10 to 1/320 LD50). Post a month of daily treatments; the body weight changes, biochemical parameters, and liver histopathological changes were recorded. The results showed that the glucose level&nbsp; had increased and accompanied with sever alterations in the liver architectures in T2-DM rats (Gp2). The treatment of T2-DM rats with&nbsp; Met, 1/10, 1/40, or 1/80 of LQV LD<sub>50</sub> decreased the glucose level, ameliorated the biochemical changes, and improved the liver&nbsp; architectures. However, the treatment of T2-DM rats with 1/160 or 1/320 LQV LD<sub>50</sub>, did not show significant changes when compared to T2-DM rats. Collectively, the therapeutic dose of LQV that could be used to treat T2-DM rats ranged between 1/10 to 1/80 of LQV LD<sub>50</sub>&nbsp;</p> Wesam M. Salama Mohamed Mostafa Amira M. Saleh Copyright (c) 2025 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 2 132 147 Phytochemical constituents and cytotoxic effects of Brassica juncea extract on different human cancer cell lines <i>in vitro</i> <p>Oxidative stress has been known as the main cause of the development of many diseases. Therefore, supplementation of exogenous&nbsp; antioxidants and elevating of endogenous antioxidant defenses may be the effective way of combating the harmful action of reactive&nbsp; oxygen species, which considered the main reason of oxidative cell damage. The study was conducted to identify the main polyphenolic&nbsp; components of Brassica juncea seeds and investigate their cytotoxic effects against different cancer cell lines. Also, 2,2′-azino-bis (3- ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS. +) antioxidant assay and erythrocyte hemolysis were tested against ascorbic acid. The&nbsp; cytotoxic activity of B. juncea on all cancer cell lines was significantly higher than the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin (Dox). These&nbsp; results confirm that B. juncea has a strong cytotoxic effect on most tumor cells; the viability of the six cancer cell lines was significantly decreased when using B. juncea extract compared to doxorubicin. B. juncea extract showed cytotoxic effect on cancer cells compared to&nbsp; Dox, however, appropriate dose must be determined.&nbsp;</p> Enas A. Orab Omnia K. Radwan Copyright (c) 2025 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 2 148 155 Genetic variation of resistant <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> isolates and their susceptibility to the antimicrobial activity of some plant and algal extracts <p>This study aimed to determine the antibacterial properties of different plant species and some volatile oils, and study genetic variation of&nbsp; some infectious microbial isolates.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods</strong>: A total of 32 bacterial clinical specimens were randomly collected from thirty-two patients (22 Males and 10&nbsp; Females) attending the outpatient clinic of the Dermatology and Venereology of Tanta University Hospitals, Egypt. <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> isolates were identified biochemically, their antibiotic susceptibility was assessed using fifteen selected antibiotic discs using the disc&nbsp; diffusion method to detect the multi-drug resistant (MDR) isolates. The agar well diffusion method was used to screen the resistant <em>S.&nbsp; aureus</em> isolates for susceptibility to the investigated natural extracts. The most effective extract was identified by calculating its minimum&nbsp; inhibitory concentration (MIC). The most effective natural extracts were chemically characterized using GCMS and FT-IR analysis. SDS- PAGE was performed to evaluate genetic variation among MDR <em>S. aureus</em> isolates.</p> <p><strong> Key results</strong>: Nine isolates were selected among 32&nbsp; bacterial isolates and identified as MDR S. aureus isolates and the isolate No. 9 was proved to be the most MDR one, recording 53%&nbsp; resistance. Chebulic, safsaf willow, Jania, and Nile's roses were the most effective natural inhibitors with inhibition zone diameters of&nbsp; 29.67, 26, 30 and 24.67 mm, respectively. 2-Pentanone, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2- pentanone was the most common component in all extracts&nbsp; with a presence rate of 90.87, 85.90 and 85.61% for safsaf willow, Nile's roses and Jania, respectively. MIC was 25 mg/ml for the&nbsp; three selected extracts against the nine <em>S. aureus</em> isolates. Twenty-one bands were detected among the nine <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>&nbsp; isolates, only six bands appear commonly in all <em>S. </em><em>aureus</em> isolates.&nbsp;</p> Anwer S. El-Badry Suzan M. Assawah Wagih El-Shouny Dina Z. Gad Copyright (c) 2025 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 2 156 167 A comparative study on the effect of pesticides used in agriculture on catfish in some Nile Delta governorates <p>The increased usage of chemicals and other harmful compounds has contaminated air, water, soil, and food, endangering life. This threat has grown with fast industrialization and exponential population expansion. Because agricultural runoffs contain pesticide and fertilizer&nbsp; residues, they have a negative impact on the quality of surface and ground water. The goal of the current article is to gather data on&nbsp; pesticide pollution in aquatic environments and its potential impacts on fish and human health. Because pesticide pollution causes acute&nbsp; toxicity in fish which has a harmful effect on human health, with results in abrupt and intense mortality, it is a serious concern. Due to&nbsp; some outlawed pesticides are still used in agricultural settings and have detrimental effects on organisms, Samples of catfish (Clarias sp)&nbsp; and water were collected from four governorates in the Delta region (El-Behera, El-Gharbia, El-Qalyubia, and El-Dakahlia). The results&nbsp; demonstrated that the catfish from the four governorates had endosulfan, heptachlor, aldrin, pp-DDT, and diazinon detected. However,&nbsp; dicofol was detected in EI-Behera &amp; El-Gharbia. Chlorpyrifos was not detected in El-Gharbia. The catfish gathered from four governorates&nbsp; did not have an estimated daily intake (EDI) greater than the PDI. Ultimately, the findings indicated that the Target Hazard Quotient&nbsp; (THQ) was validated in four governorates where the mean score was less than one. When the THQ is less than 1, the exposed populace is&nbsp; not obviously in danger to their health. The hazard index (HI) for catfish taken from the Nile River in three governorates is less than one.&nbsp; In El- Behera governorate, a higher than 1 hazard index (HI) suggests a possible risk to human health because consuming contaminated&nbsp; fish may result in long-term pesticide accumulation in the body. Finally, coordinated efforts, combined with sensible pesticide application&nbsp; and integrated pest management are thought to be the primary methods of reducing pesticide pollution in aquatic systems.&nbsp;</p> Noha Nazeeh Eman Hashem Radwan Elsayed Mosalam Hosin Heba Khalifa Copyright (c) 2025 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 2 168 182 The Egyptian Toad (<i>Bufo regularis Reuss</i>) as bio indicator to environmental deterioration with heavy metals in El-Behera governorate <p>There is a notable global drop in the number of amphibian populations. The loss can be directly attributed to pollution, particularly heavy&nbsp; metal contamination, and habitat damage. It has indeed been well documented in the past that several ecological parameters and&nbsp; hematological parameters might vary in response to environmental changes. There is a chance that hematological parameters could be&nbsp; employed as biomarkers of Terrestrial and aquatic pollution because they are susceptible to different environmental stresses. As difficult&nbsp; to eliminate from the environment and incapable of biological degradation, heavy metals are challenging to remove from the&nbsp; environment. The present study investigates the effects of various heavy metals in hematological and biochemical parameters of the&nbsp; Egyptian toad, Bufo regularis Reuss, in El-Behera governorate in three different locations- Damanhur (location 1), Kafr El Dawar (location&nbsp; 2), and Abu Homs (location 3)., The current results show increase in WBCs, a decrease in the means of hemoglobin, hematocrit, protein,&nbsp; albumin and red blood cells. Furthermore, changes were observed in the main biochemical markers, such as, aspartate aminotransferase&nbsp; (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA) and Superoxide dismutase (SOD).&nbsp; The current research has demonstrated and validated that the Kafr El Dawar region is more affected than Damanhour and Abu Homs, So,&nbsp; this study calls for urgent management of heavy metals and reducing their release into the environment.&nbsp;</p> Noha Nazeeh Copyright (c) 2025 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 2 183 195 Alleviating doxorubicin-induced neurotoxicity with roselle extract <p>Doxorubicin (DOX) is a potent chemotherapeutic drug used in cancer treatment, but it can lead to neurotoxicity particularly in the&nbsp; peripheral nervous system causing neuropathic pain. Roselle extract, known for its neuroprotective properties, has gained attention as a&nbsp; potential therapeutic agent in mitigating such neurotoxic effects. In this study investigated the neuroprotective potential of roselle water&nbsp; extract (RWE) against DOXinduced neurotoxicity in rats, focusing on the spinal cord, sciatic nerve, and neuropathic pain. Male albino rats&nbsp; were divided into four groups (6 rats/group); control, RWE-treated (500 mg/kg body weight/day; oral adminstration), DOX-treated&nbsp; (cumulative dose of 18 mg/kg body weight; intraperitoneal injected), and DOX + RWE-treated groups. Various assessments, including&nbsp; thermal nociception tests (hot plate, tail flicking, and cold plate), biochemical analysis of oxidative stress markers including malondialdehyde (MDA), myeloperoxidase (MPO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and histopathological evaluation of spinal&nbsp; cord and sciatic nerve tissues were conducted. DOX treatment led to increases in oxidative stress (↑MDA, ↑MPO, ↓SOD, and ↓CAT),&nbsp; neuronal damage, axonal demyelination, astrocytes number, and microglial cell activation, and a reduction in Schwann cell population.&nbsp; However, concurrent administration of RWE with DOX significantly reduced oxidative stress, preserved neuronal morphology, decreased&nbsp; glial cells activation, improved Schwann cell density, and attenuated neuropathic pain responses compared to the DOX-only treated rats.&nbsp; These findings suggested that RWE possessed antioxidant and neuroprotective properties, making it a potential complementary therapy&nbsp; to alleviate peripheral neuropathy associated with DOX treatment.&nbsp;</p> Nada S. Badr Menna Allah A. El-deeb Mustafa N. Ali Shaimaa S. Harera Haneen M. Mokhtar Mohamed S.A. El-Gerbed Copyright (c) 2025 The Egyptian Society of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 2 196 211