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Examination of heavy metals contamination in drain, farm water and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis nilotius) in EL-Fayoum Government, Egypt and use some methods for treatment
This study was carried out at three different farms in EL-Fayoum Government and at three different drainages poured into it. The study included determination of some physical and chemical parameters of water and detection of five heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Pb, Fe and Cu) in Farm and drains water. The accumulation of these heavy metals in different fish organs (Gills, Skin, Muscles and Liver) in fish from different farms and fish from different drains, plant, sediment and diet also measured. The results showed that, Iron more accumulated than other in all three different drains and farms under study except accumulated of these heavy metals in Nile Tilipia fish blood results showed Zinc more accumulated than other. Water treatment by using low adsorbant (Eggplant and Pumpkin) to removal these heavy metals detected that, Pumpkin was good for treating Zn and Pb the maximum removal for Zn was 65% and for Pb the value was 50%. While Eggplant was good for treating Fe, Cd and Cu with maximum values (88%,78% and 77% respectively). Also the study included investigation of some biochemical blood parameters such as Urea, Creatinine, RBS, and T3,T4,TSH,GH and Cortisol hormones that showed a significant increase of levels Mean value ± S.D of RBS, a significant decrease of levels Mean value ± S.D of creatinine addition a significant increase of levels Mean value ± S.D of cortisol ,GH and T3 in both Locanda and EL-Bats farms when compared with EL Galini farm.