The Biological and Biomedical Journal (BBJ) will act where misconduct is suspected, along the lines of the general principles outlined in Guidelines on Good Publication Practice, produced by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Authors are required to meet the criteria for authorship as recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Requests to add or remove an author, or to rearrange the author names, must be sent to the Editorial Office and must include: (a) the reason the name should be added or removed, or the author names rearranged and (b) written confirmation (e-mail, fax, letter) from all authors that they agree with the addition, removal, or rearrangement. In the case of addition or removal of authors, this includes confirmation from the author being added or removed. Any requests to add, delete, or rearrange author names in an already published article will follow the same policies as noted above and result in a corrigendum.

  1. The submission of a paper implies the author’s assurance that the paper has not been published and that it has not been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere.
  2. All authors must declare they have read and agreed to the content of the submitted article and are responsible for the validity and originality of data contained therein.
  3. The submission should include the email and regular address of the corresponding author and all co-authors. Electronic submissions should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief as an MS-Word file.
  4. Authors are required to declare any competing financial or other interest in relation to their work. All competing interests that are declared will be listed at the end of published articles.

All papers must be written in clear, concise, and should follow the format. The original typescript should be submitted electronically in font 12, Times New Romans, 2-lines spacing format. The text of the paper should include:

Title and author/s, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (if any), references, tables and figures. All papers must be written in UK English. If English is not your first language, please ask an English-speaking colleague to proofread your paper.

Title page: the title should describe the contents fully and shall be as short as possible without the use of abbreviations. Please include full name(s) (do not use initials), position, department, name of institution, full postal address, and email address for each author. The author to whom the correspondence is to be sent should be indicated.

Abstract: an abstract of no more than 250 words describing the content and results of the paper should precede the text of the paper after the affiliations of authors.

Keywords: no more than 6 keywords for your manuscript listed after the abstract.

Introduction: it must be clear and concise. It should provide a clear statement of the problem and should be understandable to colleagues from a broad range of scientific disciplines.

Materials and methods: it must include study design, methods adopted/used along with references and statistical information. It must be enough to allow experiments to be reproduced. Any previously published research work can also be cited and notification should be mentioned clearly.

Results: The results of research articles or manuscripts should be present with clarity. This should describe the design of the experiment and the obtained results. All tables, figures, graphs, statistical analyses and sample calculations should be presented in this section.

Discussion: this part of the research paper includes the significance of the results related to study, comparative analysis with similar or related works along with proper citation. Avoid stating too many citations and ensure to include recent references.

Acknowledgments: this section should be thanks to people, granting bodies, university departments, and college departments, and should be in a brief manner.

References: references in the text should be inserted in parentheses in full for single and dual-authored papers, but using the first author and et al. for multiple-authored papers.

For periodicals:

El-Naggar S, Abdel-Farid I, Germoush M, Elgebaly H, Alm-Eldeen A, 2016. Efficacy of Rosmarinus officinalis leaves extract against cyclophosphamide-induced hepatotoxicity. Pharmac Biol 54:2007-2016.

For books:

Johnson, R. E., Hanstbarger, W. M. (1966). Handbook of Insecticides. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colarado.

Figures and tables: They are to be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order of their citation in the text and included in the main document at the end of the text following the references section. Figures and tables should be submitted as MS-word, not as PDF or embedded image or any other forms.

Proofs and Reprints:

Electronic proofs will be sent (e-mail attachment) to the corresponding author as a PDF file. Page proofs are the final version of the manuscript. With the exception of typographical or minor clerical errors, no changes will be made to the manuscript at the proof stage. Authors can freely download the PDF file from which they can print unlimited copies of their articles.


All manuscripts and materials must be submitted through the web-based tracking system. Submissions should be in English. The site contains instructions and advice on how to use the system. Authors should NOT in addition then post a hard copy submission to the editorial office, unless they are supplying artwork, letters or files that cannot be submitted electronically, or have been instructed to do so by the editorial office. For those authors who have no option but to submit by mail please send three copies of the article, plus an electronic version on disk or CD-ROM to the following Dr. Sabry Ali El-Naggar, Editor-in-chief. Kafr Esam Street, Tanta, Egypt. Mobile: 01068382357. WhatsApp: (002) 01068382357., E-mails:,

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2974-4342
print ISSN: 2974-4334