Chemical mutagenesis through the use of colchicine on the seeds of two varieties of sesame (Sesamum indicum L. Var. Ex-Sudan and E-8) with the aim of inducing variability that could be exploited in the genetic improvement of its growth and yield was carried out. The sesame seeds were treated with colchicines at four different concentrations (0.1mM, 0.5mM, 1.0mM, 2.0mM and control) for two mutant generations (M1 and M2). Highly significant variation (P≤0.01) was observed in such quantitative traits like the germination percents, height at maturity, number of leaves produced per plant, internodes length, leaf area, number of pods/plant, number of seeds/pod and 1000 seeds weight which decreased with increase in colchicines concentrations. Besides these, a segment of chlorophyll deficient mutants such as: Chlorina, Xantha, Striata,
Virescents and Lustescents were found among the mutant generations, with their frequency decreasing with increase in colchicines concentrations. Lower concentrations of colchicines were recommended for inducing genetic variability in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) to improve the yield of such economic plant.
Key words: Concentrations, Colchicines, Sesame, Ex-Sudan and E-8