Ten sorghum samples were used for this study. Six samples(local) from Kibiya, Tsakuwa, Burum-Burum in Kano State,two samples from each of the sampling areas and four improved samples from Institute of Agricultural Reasearch, Zaria.The varieties are White Kibiya (WK), Yellow Kibiya (YK), White Tsakuwa (WT), Yellow Tsakuwa (YT), White Burum-Burum (WB) and Yellow Buru-Burum (YB) were the local samples. Samsorg 14 (S14), Samsorg 17 (S17), Samsorg 40 (S40) and Samsorg 41 (S41) were the improved samples.The mineral composition of the sample studied shows highest distrbution pattern of Fe (YK,31.95 μgg -1), Cu (YT,7.27 μgg-1), Zn (S40 59.81 μgg-1), Mg (YK.110.74 μgg -1) Ca (YT,40.85 μgg -1), Cu (S17,.8.0 μgg -1), Cd (S14,0.99 μgg -1), and Pb was only detected in white Burum –Burum variety (0,.64 μgg-1).
Keywords: Minerals, Sorghum, Cultivars, Nutrients