Five traditional herbal preparations were sampled between May-June, 2009 in Kano. The samples were investigated for invitro antibacterial activities against clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus. Likewise, phytochemical screening tests were conducted to determine some of the phytochemicals present in the ethanolic and water extracts of the samples. Various concentrations of the extracts were prepared using serial doubling dilutions (5000=l/ml, 2500=g/ml, 1250=g/ml, 625=g/ml and 312.5=g/ml). All the test extracts showed slight antibacterial activity against the test organism, with ethanolic extract of sample E having the highest zone diameter of inhibition, while sample H had the lowest diameter of inhibition. The standard antibiotic disc (Gentamicin) had demonstrated the highest activity on the test organisms. The results of the Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of steroid in all the samples, tannin in samples A, C, D and E, reducing sugars in sample A, D and E respectively. The result of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was found to be above 312.5=g/ml for samples C, D and E.
Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus, Herbal preparations, antibacterial activity, Phytochemical
screening and minimum inhibitory concentration.