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A survey of sorghum downy mildew in sorghum in the Sudano-Sahelian Savanna zones of Nigeria
Average incidence (%) of the disease was obtained from a sample of 100 plants selected using simple random sampling technique from each of the three farms visited per stop. Results of the survey (16.20 and 9.64% and 3.28 and 1.16% during the first and second visits in the Sudan and Sahel savanna AEZs respectively) indicated that the disease was present only at the seedling stage and virtually absent at flowering stage .In the areas where it was noticed at the juvenile stage the incidence was more prevalent in the Sudan than in the sahel savanna regions. The results also revealed that there was a relationship between soil type (which was mostly sandy loam) and disease incidence. Disease incidence was relatively higher on sandy loam soil than other soil types. The prevalence was generally low, but efforts should be made towards controlling the spread of the disease further. Farmers should be advised to use improved cultural practices like early sowing, seed dressing with the sole aim of reducing the disease.
Keywords: sorghum downy mildew, incidence, distribution, Sudan and Sahel savanna agroecological zones