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Economic contribution of cassava production (a case study of kuje area council federal capital territory, Abuja, Nigeria)
have formal education. Similarly, the result revealed that a mean of 4 people was recorded for household size and 16.80 years as farming experience. Majority (71%) acquired their land through inheritance; mean farm size under cassava production was found to be 1.20 hectares, with majority (57%) having between 0.3 – 1.0 hectare. Cost of production was found to be N7, 310.11 per
hectare. Furthermore the study revealed a net farm income of N14, 042.27 and a return on Naira invested as 0.92. Cobb – Douglas regression model revealed that R2 value was 65.4% with exogenous variables farm size, and cassava cuttings significant (p<0.001) and (p<0.05) while
labour was not significant. Also MVP/MFC for farm size, cassava cuttings and labour were 0.49, 0.53 and 0.78. Major constraints like inadequate capital, lack of machinery, high labour cost and transportation were found to be affecting cassava production in the area. It was recommended that, production could be improved and sustained through provision of soft loans and accessible
roads to ease transportation cost.