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Incidence of bovine cysticercosis in kano state, northwestern, Nigeria

B Rabi
O Jegede


The incidence of infection due to Cysticercus bovis in Kano abattoir located in Fagge local government area (LGA) of Kano state, Nigeria was studied. Out of the 11,804 cattle which were examined, 315 (2.67%) were found to be infected. The tongue, cardiac and masseter muscles were
the main predilection sites of the cysts. The relative occurrence of the cysts in the organs of infected catteles showed tongue (76%), heart (66%) and masseter (63%) had the highest rate of infestation. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the distribution of the cysticerci in the organs of cattle slaughtered at the abattoir. The results also show 205 (0.37%) and 304 (0.55%) head and heart condemnations respectively. This information is considered useful for government authorities to direct control strategies as well as for farmers to take measures tailored to local situations.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2006-6996
print ISSN: 2006-6996