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Evaluation of different morphotypes of mango (mangifera indica l.) for use as rootstock in seedlings production
experiment consisted of four morphotypes (Binta Siga, Gwaiwar Rago, Dankamaru and Fafaranda) factorially combined with three scions (Alphonso, Peach and Taymour) and laid out in a completely randomized design with three repetitions. The results showed that Binta Siga was identified as the best rootstock in terms of plant establishment probably due to production of higher number of roots, stem diameter, number of leaves, percentage take and general crop vigor. Taymour was
observed to be the best scion in terms of compatibility with most of the rootstocks as expressed by its superior performance with regard to the characters mentioned earlier. Binta Siga is therefore recommended for use as rootstock by nursery men in Mango seedlings production for higher profit margin in Kano environment